Springfield News-Sun

Keep family notes away from snoops

- B.T., in San Antonio Send a great hint to: Heloise, Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or fax: 1-210-HELOISE.

Dear Heloise: My hus- band and children used t o leave me little notes such as: “Please pick up my insulin on your way home tonight,” or “Your mom called and wants to talk to you ASAP.” These were not big secrets, but they were private. I found one of my neighbors going through a small stack of those messages one day

en she was over. I found this intrusion aggravatin­g.

So, I took some chalk- board paint and painted the inside of my utility closet door. We now leave mes- sages on it instead of on Post-it notes. At least I have my privacy back! — Frances H., Peabody, Massachuse­tts

A cheesy idea

Dear Heloise: When I tried to grate cheese, I always made a mess. Finally I tried freezing the cheddar, and it was much easier to grate. — Lois W. Evansville, Indiana

An alarming situation

Dear Heloise: Twenty years ago, two men broke into my home at night in an attempt to rob me. Af er they left the house, I called the police, and one of the policemen gave me a good idea. He told me to always keep my car keys on my nightstand. If I hear a noise, I can press the alarm button, which will usually scare the intruder enough to leave.

It worked last month when two teenagers broke into my home. I pressed the button and they ran out. One boy tripped and broke his ankle. He was still on the ground crying when the police arrived. — Janet D., Biloxi, Mississipp­i

Bathroom organizati­on

Dear Heloise: I have a long bathroom counter, and it was barely visible with all the clutter on it. I finally decided to get organized. I used a large serving tray and put some clear plastic organizati­on containers on the tray to hold my makeup, but I needed something to hold my many makeup brushes.

I found some beautiful cut-glass cups. Now my bathroom counter looks beautiful, and I’m totally organized. — Courtney J., Ponca City, Oklahoma

Travel hint

Dear Heloise: I travel about 105 nights a year on average, so I’ve learned a thing or two about packing. If you are packing shampoo, conditione­r, hairspray, or anything that can be sprayed or is liquid, no matter how tight the lid is, always place those items in a large zipclose bag to keep any spillage from ruining your clothing. Always roll up your jeans and T-shirts, and don’t forget to pack slippers to wear around your hotel room. — Heidi S., Detroit

Using leftover dips

Dear Heloise: I wanted to share my ways of using leftover dips. I use them as sandwich spreads and on baked potatoes. The cheesy ones enhance the flavor of boxed macaroni and cheese. —

 ?? ?? Heloise Household Hints
Heloise Household Hints

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