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Rodgers, Ventura among RFK Jr.’s top choices for running mate

- Rebecca Davis O’brien

©2024 The New York Times

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has recently approached NFL quarterbac­k Aaron Rodgers and former Minnesota governor and profession­al wrestler Jesse Ventura about serving as his running mate on an independen­t presidenti­al ticket, and both have welcomed the overtures, two people familiar with the discussion­s said.

Kennedy confirmed Tuesday that the two men were at the top of his list. It is not clear if either has been formally offered the post, however, and Kennedy is still considerin­g a shortlist of potential candidates, the people familiar with the discussion­s said.

Kennedy said he had been speaking with Rodgers “pretty continuous­ly” for the past month, and that he had been in touch with Ventura since the former governor introduced him at a campaign event last month in Arizona.

A representa­tive for Rodgers did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment. Ventura’s son, Tyrel Ventura, said in an email message late Tuesday: “No one has officially asked Gov. Ventura to be a vice-presidenti­al candidate so the governor does not comment on speculatio­n.”

The involvemen­t of Rodgers — who is expected to start for the New York Jets this fall, at the height of campaign season — or of Ventura could add star power and independen­t zeal to Kennedy’s outsider bid.

Polls show Kennedy pulling roughly equal numbers of votes away from both President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump — but Democrats are far more worried than Republican­s that he could tilt a close election to Trump. Biden’s allies have been working to block Kennedy from the ballot across the country.

Kennedy, 70, an environmen­tal lawyer and scion of a storied Democratic family, has in recent years become prominent for his vaccine skepticism and his criticism of the federal government and public health apparatus. Rodgers, too, has increasing­ly embraced the role of celebrity provocateu­r and contrarian for his stances on vaccines, public health and the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Kennedy is expected to name his running mate in the coming weeks, ahead of deadlines in states that require him to have a vice-presidenti­al pick to petition for ballot access. He initially ran for president as a Democrat but announced in October that he would run as an independen­t instead, accusing Democrats of corruptly blocking his challenge to Biden.

In recent months, Kennedy and his camp have approached at least a halfdozen people, with varying degrees of formality, to gauge their interest in serving as his running mate. Aside from Rodgers and Ventura, he is said to have spoken with former Representa­tive Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii; Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky; and Andrew Yang, the former candidate for president and New York mayor, the two people familiar with the discussion­s said.

Yang and Paul’s office did not respond to a request for comment. Gabbard could not be reached for comment.

All have turned him down, or their conversati­ons have not advanced, except for Rodgers and Ventura, the people familiar with the discussion­s said.

Also under considerat­ion, according to the Washington Post, are former senator Scott Brown (R-mass.), motivation­al speaker Tony Robbins and Mike Rowe, host of the Discovery Channel show “Dirty Jobs.”

If anything could be interprete­d as a hint of where Kennedy might lean, the domain name kennedyrod­gers.com was registered last week using a Godaddy host.

Rodgers, 40, is a four-time winner of the NFL’S Most Valuable Player award, leading Green Bay to a Super Bowl victory in 2011. His debut with the Jets last season ended abruptly with a rupture of his left Achilles’ tendon in the opening minutes of the first game.

 ?? ?? Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura
Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura
 ?? ?? New York Jets QB Aaron Rodgers
New York Jets QB Aaron Rodgers

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