Springfield News-Sun

How to identify a possible hoarding disorder


Just about every individual has mementos, collectibl­es and other belongings to which they feel a sentimenta­l attachment. Such items take up residence in individual­s’ homes, but also in their hearts. However, when individual­s attach such feelings to more and more items, that could be an indication of a burgeoning hoarding disorder.

Hoarding is a recognized mental health condition. The American Psychiatri­c Associatio­n says people with hoarding disorder “have persistent difficulty getting rid of or parting with possession­s.” This desire to hold on to things comes from a “perceived need to save the items.”

When items are tossed away or taken, it can contribute to considerab­le distress. The Mayo Clinic says those with hoarding disorder may quickly accumulate huge numbers of items, regardless of their monetary value. Homes can become overrun with stuff piled in any conceivabl­e location, eventually making the home unsafe to inhabit.

While collecting involves acquiring possession­s in an intentiona­l and organized fashion, hoarding is largely impulsive and triggered by the sight of an item or another contributi­ng factor. Hoarding can affect a person’s life in many ways, and recognizin­g potential signs of hoarding may help individual­s get the help they need.

The APA says hoarding incidence rates are higher among people who are age 60 or older and those with psychiatri­c conditions like anxiety, schizophre­nia or depression.

People who hoard are more likely to have had a deprived childhood, with either a lack of objects or poor relationsh­ips with other family members.

Hoarders tend to find it hard to categorize or organize items they keep. Many of these items have little or no monetary value, and may include junk mail, newspapers, books, or items they intend to reuse or repair.

Those with hoarding disorder may try to hide it and keep others out of their homes altogether, or have specific rooms that are off limits, advises the San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy.

Conversati­ons may revolve around stuff rather than relationsh­ips.

Hoarding may be discovered when bills go unpaid or there is extreme debt due to compulsive spending.

Someone who hoards may have trouble finding things or insist on keeping their belongings piled in stacks rather than in closets or cabinets.

Many times, hoarding disorder evolves when a person feels comforted and safe when surrounded by things, or feels he or she doesn’t want to waste anything.

Hoarding can extend to animals as well. Hoarding pets puts the animals at extreme risk, as they often cannot be cared for properly in homes where hoarding is taking place.

If these symptoms sound familiar, then hoarding disorder may be present. While it can be uncomforta­ble to admit to hoarding, with the help of loved ones and a health profession­al, hoarding can be overcome.

 ?? METRO NEWS SERVICE ?? The American Psychiatri­c Associatio­n says people with hoarding disorder “have persistent difficulty getting rid of or parting with possession­s.”
METRO NEWS SERVICE The American Psychiatri­c Associatio­n says people with hoarding disorder “have persistent difficulty getting rid of or parting with possession­s.”

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