Stamford Advocate (Sunday)

Officials call for referendum on school building privatizat­ion

- By Ignacio Laguarda

STAMFORD — As a vote approaches Monday night to move forward the proposed privatizat­ion of several city school buildings, members of three crucial boards are calling for the matter to first be put to the public.

Board of Representa­tives member Nina Sherwood, Board of Education member Mike Altamura and Board of Finance member Kieran Ryan in an op-ed this week have called for a referendum on the issue.

“For me to turn around and sell a third of their

“For me to turn around and sell a third of their public school property seems so immoral to me.”

Nina Sherwood, member, Stamford Board of Representa­tives

public school property seems so immoral to me,” Sherwood said, referring to Stamford taxpayers. “It’s their land. It’s their

The public-private partnershi­p idea involves selling five aging public school buildings to a private developer for $1 each. The developer would then demolish, rebuild and maintain the new structures, while leasing them back to the city for up to 90 years.

Sherwood, Ryan and Altamura reference a section of the City Charter that says any sale of park land in Stamford that’s more than 20,000 square feet should be decided by public vote. The public-private plan would involve selling

more than 1 million square feet of land, but since all of it is defined as school land, it does not fall inside the definition in the Charter.

Still, Sherwood’s argument is that those who crafted the Charter would have likely wanted such a large sale of land to go to a referendum.

The op-ed she co-wrote reads, “It’s likely that the current plan for the city to sell and then lease back formerly city-owned school property is one the Charter drafters never imagined. After all, it’s a propositio­n well out of the ordinary.”

They have raised the referendum question as the Board of Representa­tives is to vote Monday on a reschools.”

quest for quotation, or RFQ, in which the city would spend $250,000 to hire a firm to draft documents seeking proposals from developers interested in building, owning and maintainin­g new schools.

Representa­tives voted 29-5 to postpone the matter on Feb. 3. Some members of the board said they didn’t vote in favor because they wanted to see more options for building new schools.

Two other RFQs to be voted on Monday include one for an evaluation of prefabrica­tion options for new school buildings and another to compare Stamford’s constructi­on and maintenanc­e of buildings to surroundin­g school districts.

Each of those items would cost $8,000.

The Board of Finance and Planning Board have approved all of the aforementi­oned requests.

Monday’s meeting of the representa­tives will be the first since schools Superinten­dent Tamu Lucero has taken over as the head of the Stamford Asset Management Group, which was formed to manage school buildings.

Lucero took over as head of the SAMG after director of administra­tion Michael Handler stepped down this week.

She said the departure of Handler, the chief architect and driver of the privatizat­ion

plan, does not signal a change in direction for the group.

“While there has been some speculatio­n that the recently announced departure of Mr. Handler from the city would impact our need for, or commitment to, these RFQs, I assure you, that his departure has no impact on our commitment to moving forward with the RFQs,” Lucero wrote, in an emailed letter to school staff and families on Friday afternoon.

She added, “We are at a critical crossroads in Stamford as it relates to school facilities … While we may not all agree on everything, I know we can agree that doing nothing is certainly

not an option.”

Ryan and Sherwood said selling school property might necessitat­e a Charter revision, which would require collecting signatures from Stamford residents and then forming a Charter revision committee to oversee the potential changes.

Ryan said he simply wants to start a conversati­on about how the city should decide the sale of so much land.

“I know I would be reluctant to vote for any expansive plan without seriously considerin­g putting it to a public referendum,” he said.

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