Stamford Advocate (Sunday)

ESPN’s Hannah Storm to host ‘Celebrity Waiter’ party featuring Katie Couric in Stamford

- Adriana Morga

ESPN journalist Hannah Storm will host the seventh annual “Celebrity Waiter Night Cocktail Party” event for her foundation on Tuesday in Stamford’s The Village.

During the event, a number of sports names and celebritie­s will attend as “celebrity waiters.” Among the celebritie­s expected to attend are Katie Couric, Patrick McEnroe, Lara Spencer, Isaiah Thomas and Bobby Valentine, former baseball manager running for mayor of Stamford. The proceeds of the party will support Hanna Storm Foundation’s mission of helping children suffering from debilitati­ng and disfigurin­g vascular birthmarks. Individual tickets for the event are $450.

“I get very emotional during the auction because I just understand how much the money means and how it’s literally going to change the lives of these kids,” said Storm, who started the foundation in 2008.

In years past, sport celebritie­s such as Stephen A. Smith, John Starks and Justin Tuck attended the event. Previously, the event was celebrated as a formal dinner rather than a cocktail party. “It’s one of those nights where your best friends are there to support something that you feel passionate about,” said Storm.

Storm’s passion for this cause came from her personal experience being born with a port-wine stain birthmark near her left eye that lead her to receive several surgeries as a child.

“Whatever you choose to do, however you choose to help humanity, it’s great if it can come from place of personal experience,” she said.

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 ?? Hannah Storm Foundation / Contribute­d photo ?? The “Celebrity Waiter Night Cocktail Party” will feature sports personalit­ies and celebritie­s such as Katie Couric, Bobby Valentine, Patrick McEnroe, Lara Spencer, Isaiah Thomas and host Hannah Storm, at right and below.
Hannah Storm Foundation / Contribute­d photo The “Celebrity Waiter Night Cocktail Party” will feature sports personalit­ies and celebritie­s such as Katie Couric, Bobby Valentine, Patrick McEnroe, Lara Spencer, Isaiah Thomas and host Hannah Storm, at right and below.

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