Stamford Advocate (Sunday)

Pivotal moment in Stamford’s future


I am running for Stamford's Democratic City Committee in District 13. This is a pivotal moment in the direction Stamford is heading. We have all seen Stamford change a lot throughout our lives and for the most part that change is welcomed and exciting. However, short-sighted, profitdriv­en people with power have left us with an affordable housing crisis, less than stellar schools, overloaded infrastruc­ture and rising costs of living through taxes and rents. Our young people, our seniors, and our vulnerable population­s are faced with a situation where they may have to leave the communitie­s they call home. Stamford's solutions have been to give special deals to builders, attempt to privatize our public schools, and sell our community spaces to campaign donors at less than half of its market value. These builders promise to help the affordable housing crisis but choose profit over people time after time.

We have frustrated teachers, disappoint­ed parents, and students suffering the consequenc­es of the poor leadership decisions within our school system. We also have overworked and overwhelme­d emergency responders who are less than adequately equipped to handle potential emergency situations in our newer, densely developed areas.

Stamford is a city on the outskirts of one of the greatest cultural epicenters on earth yet it does not foster or facilitate the art, music, or culture in it's own backyard. The city has even proposed cutting music from our school's curriculum! Stamford is becoming a bubble of corporate interests. Without a REAL vision for the prosperity of the people and without building a real foundation for a cultural scene to grow, Stamford will eventually become simply New York City's bedroom.

I know we can do better. We can dream bigger than the luxury high-rises and happy hours. We can do better for our students, our seniors, and our most vulnerable population­s.

This takes hard work and many of these problems are not easy to solve but myself and a dedicated group of your neighbors are running as a slate of candidates for the DCC to bring our voices to arguably one of the most important roles within the Democratic Party in Stamford. The DCC is responsibl­e for nominating and endorsing candidates for the Democratic Party. When you vote on a ballot, the candidates who appear on the top line are picked by the DCC and in Stamford we know that is essentiall­y winning the election.

The election is Tuesday, March 5, and we need your support! Please vote! Our opposition has raised almost $90,000, 60% of which came from outside of Stamford. Including many $5,000 donations from big corporate developers. Why?

Call me, email us, visit and share our website and tell your friends and family that this election is crucial despite being mostly unknown and in March. We can do this together! Democrats for Responsive Government

People over profits!

Jason Kyek is a candidate for Stamford’s DCC in District 13.

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