Stamford Advocate

Firm profits from border policy

General Dynamics a facilitato­r in Trump’s ‘zero tolerance’

- By Dan Freedman and Sarah Roach

WASHINGTON —General Dynamics, whose Electric Boat subsidiary in Groton is the nation’s premier maker of submarines, has surfaced as a facilitato­r in President Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy of separating families that illegally cross the U.SMexico border.

Regularly ranked among the nation’s top five defense contractor­s, General Dynamics in recent decades has expanded into government services — including work with the Department of Health & Human Services unit that cares for the 2,000 or so children taken from their parents under the Trump initiative.

Now, corporate-responsibi­lity advocates are calling on social media followers to register protests with General Dynamics’ CEO, Phebe Novakovic.

“Any company profiting from this administra­tion’s brutal policy is going to have it heightened, like it or not,” said Shannon Coulter, head of #Grabyourwa­llet, which calls for consumer product boycotts of companies complicit in what it views as injustices.

Coulter acknowledg­ed that a boycott of General Dynamics’ big-ticket items is not practical.

“What we’re looking for is how can we appeal to these (CEOs) as human beings,” she said. “The ‘ask’ is not to break contracts. That’s not realistic. The ‘ask’ is for them to do what they can do to end this policy.”

Under mounting pressure, General Dynamics Informatio­n Technology, the corporate sub-unit under contract to the HHS Office of Refugee Resettleme­nt (ORR), issued a statement Tuesday stating it has “no role in the family separation policy, nor a role in the constructi­on or operation of detention facilities.”

But the company said it has worked with ORR since 2000, doing casework to “help ensure special needs of unaccompan­ied children are met.”

On Twitter, the company attempted to clear the air by listing “what we do” and “what we don’t do.”

Among the items underneath the heading “what we don’t do,” the company said: “Determine which children are under care of HHS/ORR.” That means General Dynamics has no control over whether its caseworker­s minister to minors who arrive unaccompan­ied or younger children taken from their parents under “zero tolerance.”

Electric Boat is a major player in Connecticu­t’s substantia­l network of defense industries, which includes helicopter-maker Sikorsky and jet-enginemake­r Pratt & Whitney.

With new contracts to produce submarines well into this century, Electric Boat is expected to pump

about $86 billion into the state economy. It employs 11,500 building Virginiacl­ass attack submarine and planning for the Columbiacl­ass nuclear ballistic missile submarine for launch by the late 2020s.

“Every American, including all corporate leaders, should strongly and clearly speak out and stand up against this inhumane and immoral policy,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “Businesses share this moral responsibi­lity regardless of the specific services or product they provide. I encourage companies to follow the Chamber of Commerce and others in calling for an end to the Trump Administra­tion’s despicable, unlawful policy of tearing children away from their parents.”

National outcry

Meanwhile on Capitol Hill, Democratic lawmakers have turned “zero-tolerance” into a political crusade. They are calling the policy “child abuse” because it has split apart more than 2,000 immigrant families and relegated small children to detention centers.

With a national outcry from churches, business groups and even some GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill, the Trump administra­tion is standing its ground and refusing to budge.

President Trump took a late-afternoon trip to rally Republican support in a closed-door meeting at the U.S. Capitol. But the family-separation crisis all but drowned out the normal back-and-forth over immigratio­n, overshadow­ing what was to be House considerat­ion of two immigratio­n bills this week.

House Republican­s are offering up two immigratio­n bills, which include provisions to build a border wall and provide a pathway to citizenshi­p for youthful “DREAMers.” But it is unlikely that either pieces of legislatio­n will pass with opposition Democrats sensing GOP political vulnerabil­ity over the heart-wrenching photos and soundbites from the border region.

The first bill would provide a pathway to citizenshi­p for young immigrant “DREAMers,” allowing them to apply for a green card after five years living in the United States.

It would modify, but not stop, Trump’s “zero-toler- ance” policy that holds illegal immigrants in detention centers. It would also provide $25 million in funding for a border wall between the United States and Mexico – a provision Democratic lawmakers have been wary of since it was first mentioned by Trump.

The new provision would mostly detain children and parents in the same place to address Democratic lawmakers’ outcry about the policy ripping immigrant families apart.

Camila Bortolleto, a DACA recipient from Danbury and head of CT Students for a Dream, said: "Ever since the Trump administra­tion killed DACA last year, our community has been living under a cloud of fear and uncertaint­y, with our futures hanging in the balance with deadline after deadline.”

U.S. Rep. Jim Himes, D-4, said Republican­s are rewriting their measure because they’re “feeling the heat” from the other side.

Nonetheles­s, he said it’s unlikely that any Democratic lawmaker would vote for either of the bills they still include funding for Trump’s wall.

“They didn’t even try,” Himes said. “In neither bill did they work with Democrats. I would be surprised if either of the bills passes.”

U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Esty, D-5, said the immigratio­n bills won’t fix a “broken immigratio­n system” or prevent child-family separation under Trump’s policy.

“I will continue to advocate for comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform including legislativ­e proposals that put an end to the systematic separation of immigrant families,” Esty said. “Vulnerable children should never be used as political bargaining chips.”

U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-3, said the House bills are “shameful” because Republican lawmakers are trying to pass legislatio­n that limits legal immigratio­n and access to asylum at the same time Trump’s policy is separating children and families at the border.

 ?? Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News ?? Border Patrol agents question a group of adult and minor immigrants near Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas.
Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News Border Patrol agents question a group of adult and minor immigrants near Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas.
 ?? Jessica Hill / Associated Press file photo ?? Shipyard workers at General Dynamics’ Electric Boat prepare the submarine Illinois for float-off in Groton in 2015.
Jessica Hill / Associated Press file photo Shipyard workers at General Dynamics’ Electric Boat prepare the submarine Illinois for float-off in Groton in 2015.

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