Stamford Advocate


- Frank Stewart

After a penny game, Cy the Cynic found his car with a flat tire.

“I’ll drive it to a service station,” Cy said.

“You can’t drive on a flat tire,” I told him.

“It’s only flat on the bottom,” Cy shrugged.

Cy won’t accept reality at the bridge table either. When he was today’s East, West led the deuce of clubs against four spades. The Cynic won with the king and knew from the lead that South had three low clubs, so Cy took his ace and next led the ace and a low trump to stop a club ruff in dummy. That defense failed: South drew trumps and ran the diamonds, making four.

Cy was unrealisti­c. South’s bidding suggested about 11 points with a six- card spade suit. South was all but certain to have both red aces.

The Cynic must lead a low trump at Trick Two. Then, if declarer concedes a second club, Cy takes the ace of trumps and a third club. Nor can South succeed by immediatel­y starting the diamonds — West will get a ruff — or by finessing with the jack of hearts. DAILY QUESTION You hold: SA 4 HQ 109 7 D 982 CA K 107. Neither side vulnerable. The dealer, at your left, opens one diamond, your partner passes and the next player bids one spade.

What do you say? ANSWER: You can double for takeout, promising opening values or more with length in the unbid suits. Be aware that entering the auction isn’t riskfree. To act between two bidding opponents is dangerous, and you may help declarer place the cards if they buy the contract.

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