Stamford Advocate

Mueller report ignites furor

Redacted document reveals new details on Manafort, Hicks

- By Dan Freedman

WASHINGTON — While President Donald Trump and his team exulted in release of the Mueller report, Connecticu­t Democratic lawmakers were culling through its 400-plus pages for unflatteri­ng details on its twin conclusion­s: insufficie­nt evidence of Trump 2016 campaign coordinati­on with Russia, and neither confirmati­on nor exoneratio­n on whether Trump obstructed justice.

“What’s demonstrat­ed in powerful and compelling detail in this report is nothing less than a national scandal,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal at a news conference in Hartford. “This report is far from the end of the inquiry that this country needs and deserves. It is the beginning of another chapter.”

Release of the report, with close to 160 pages partly or fully blacked out, capped a tumultuous nearly two-year investigat­ion by special counsel Robert Mueller on whether Trump and his campaign staff conspired with Russian intelligen­ce to disseminat­e hacked emails aimed at denigratin­g Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton — and thereby elevating Trump.

The report contained greater detail on the role of New Britain-born Paul Manafort in efforts to win Trump agreement to follow a pro-Russia “peace plan” in Ukraine, and the worry of Trump communicat­ions adviser Hope Hicks, of Greenwich, that emails on the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians were “really bad” and the result of news reports breaking on them would be “massive.”

While the Mueller report came to no conclusion on whether Trump was liable for prosecutio­n on obstructio­n, Attorney General William Barr said he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein concluded “the president was not.”

In the second of two volumes, the report delves into new details about Trump’s early efforts to derail Mueller soon after then Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself and Rosenstein appointed him to take over the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe in May 2017.

Trump had just fired FBI Director James Comey, later admitting in a television interview that “this Russia thing” was among the deciding factors.

Trump wanted to fire Sessions immediatel­y after Sessions recused himself, clearing the way for appointmen­t of Mueller. And after Mueller’s appointmen­t, the report states, Trump directed his legal counsel, Donald McGahn, to have Mueller fired because of a conflict of interest for which Mueller had already been cleared by the Justice Department.

McGahn agonized over the decision but ultimately decided not to follow through because it would be tantamount to the Watergate-era “Saturday Night Massacre” — in which President Richard Nixon fired his two top Justice Department officials before he found one who would fire special counsel Archibald Cox.

“I was startled by the gangster-like behavior of Trump,” said Rep. Jim Himes, a member of the House intelligen­ce committee. “Sections of it read like ‘The Godfather.’”

Sen. Chris Murphy said in an interview that notwithsta­nding Mueller’s conclusion­s, “what we know is the Trump campaign had numerous opportunit­ies to alert law enforcemen­t of the interest in manipulati­ng our election by people close to the Russian government. And they didn’t.”

The Mueller report stated that while the investigat­ion could not conclude Trump committed the crime of obstructio­n, “it also does not exonerate him.” It also concluded that while Trump campaign officials welcomed Russian efforts to denigrate Clinton through release of hacked emails, “the investigat­ion did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinate­d with the government Russia in its election interferen­ce activities.”

Murphy stopped well short of calling for impeachmen­t proceeding­s, but pointed out that one of the key facts that might have led to Nixon’s impeachmen­t (had he not resigned first in 1974) was his effort to get the CIA to block the Watergate investigat­ion on national security grounds.

Himes said there was little point in pursuing impeachmen­t because while the Democratic-controlled House might vote to impeach, the Republican­controlled Senate would never convict Trump.

“I’m a believer there is nothing in the report, sleazy as it is, that would cause the Senate to turn on Trump,” he said.

Murphy said he needed to take time to read the report, but that he believed Barr was acting less like the nation’s top law enforcemen­t officer and more like Trump’s personal lawyer.

In a news briefing early Thursday before release of the report, Barr used the phrase “no collusion” four times in describing Mueller’s conclusion that neither Trump nor his campaign conspired with Russian intelligen­ce to win the election. “No collusion” was Trump’s frequent mantra over the course of the Mueller investigat­ion.

Barr told reporters he would have no objection to Mueller testifying before Congress.

Barr last month issued a four-page summary of the Mueller report, which Blumenthal, Murphy and other Connecticu­t lawmakers charged was insufficie­nt. They said that in addition to the full report, Congress should be allowed to see the materials Mueller blanked out because of grand-jury secrecy and unnamed ongoing investigat­ions, a presumed reference to the prosecutio­n of Trump adviser and longtime GOP operative Roger Stone.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-3rd District, also criticized Barr. “Despite Attorney General Barr’s political spin, the Mueller report details multiple instances in which President Trump attempted to obstruct justice and end the Special Counsel’s investigat­ion,” she said in a statement.

At the White House, Trump rejoiced over the report, telling reporters that he was having a “good day.” He also tweeted a photo declaring "Game Over" in a typeface mimicking the "Game of Thrones" logo.

The section of the report on Hicks has to do with emails preceding the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Trump Jr., Manafort and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and a group of Russians, one of whom was described as able to provide derogatory informatio­n on Clinton “as part of Russia and its government’s support to Mr. Trump.”

Donald Jr.’s response: “If it’s what you say, I love it.”

Hicks is the former Greenwich High School lacrosse-team co-captain who pursued a modeling career and wound up as a close confidante of Trump during his campaign and later at the White House. The report shows her deep angst over the impending email revelation­s, describing them as “really bad.”

Hicks then played an important role in drafting a statement from Donald Jr., saying the meeting was “primarily” about Russian adoption. Ultimately Donald Jr. himself released the emails, after the New York Times ran a story about the meeting.

 ?? J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press file photo ?? In this June 21, 2017, photo, special counsel Robert Mueller departs after a meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington. A redacted version of Mueller's Russia report was released Thursday.
J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press file photo In this June 21, 2017, photo, special counsel Robert Mueller departs after a meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington. A redacted version of Mueller's Russia report was released Thursday.
 ?? Pablo Martinez Monsivais / Associated Press ?? President Donald Trump looks across the tarmac as he greets supporters upon his arrival at Palm Beach Internatio­nal Airport on Thursday in West Palm Beach, Fla. Trump traveled to Florida to spend the Easter weekend at his Mar-a-Lago estate.
Pablo Martinez Monsivais / Associated Press President Donald Trump looks across the tarmac as he greets supporters upon his arrival at Palm Beach Internatio­nal Airport on Thursday in West Palm Beach, Fla. Trump traveled to Florida to spend the Easter weekend at his Mar-a-Lago estate.

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