Stamford Advocate

‘Stuber’: Everything about it is unpleasant


August is the time of year for commercial movies that turn out bad, for formula pictures that are entirely uninspired. These are films that were created to do nothing but make money, but then the producers took a look and realized, no, this can’t make money, it’s too lousy, and so they dumped it in August.

Well, here it is, barely the middle of July, and there’s “Stuber” to make it feel like it’s next month already. This film is like cynicism transforme­d into celluloid, a movie made without love and with no vision, except of dollar signs. Maybe it’ll achieve its box office goals — there are good people in it, and that might be enough to attract interest — but it plays like a bad, imitative formula picture from around 1985.

Everything about it is unpleasant. It pairs Kumail Nanjiani and Dave Bautista, both likable actors, but brings them together under miserable circumstan­ces. Usually, with a buddy picture, the audience enjoys the pairing, even if the two characters on screen want nothing to do with each other. But from the movie’s first minutes, the audience wishes these two guys could go their separate ways.

The setup itself is without appeal: A police detective (Bautista) wants to hunt down the evil criminal mastermind that killed his partner. The chance finally arrives when one day, right after completing Lasik eye surgery, he finds out that the criminal has a huge deal going down that night. So, the detective must act, immediatel­y. But wait, his vision is blurry — it’s going to be blurry for most of the rest of the day. So, he calls an Uber and enlists the poor driver, Stu (Nanjiani), to take him around on dangerous police business.

That’s the big idea of Tripper Clancy’s idea, and that’s really the last idea. Everything else is about delivering on the formula. Along the way, not enough care is taken with the writing of the characters, particular­ly that of the detective. As we know from the “Guardians of the Galaxy” series, Bautista can be funny. But here he’s written and directed into being a sledgehamm­er. There’s no personalit­y here. The detective employs no (potentiall­y comical) strategies to enlist the driver on his side. He just comes in with force and imposes his will.

As such, we end up feeling sorry for Stu, who is stuck having this reckless and seemingly oblivious cop boss him around. We are never persuaded to care about the main plot, which is the part of the story being driven by the detective. On the contrary, we don’t care for a minute if the bad guys are

ever caught. They’re abstractio­ns to us and mean nothing. Instead we look forward to Stu getting free of the detective, which is another way of saying that we look forward to the movie being over.

You can see how this might be a problem: The audience has a different wish list, and it’s not the story being offered. And so, we sit as the movie does everything it can to

not give us what we want. Under these circumstan­ces, the best “Stuber” can do is distract and engage the audience on a scenebysce­ne basis. But even there, it’s hit and miss and mostly miss. Nanjiani does get an opportunit­y, now and then, to be funny — particular­ly in a quiet scene in which he goes into the dressing room of a Chippendal­e’stype male strip club. But the bottom line is that you don’t need Kumail Nanjiani in your movie if you’re just looking for another actor to fire a gun.

Mira Sorvino plays a police captain, and it’s good to see her, and Natalie Morales and Betty Gilpin do as well as they can in small roles. But they can only do much with Clancy’s weak script and with Michael Dowse’s nondirecti­on direction. Really, there’s just no reason to see this. Even if you’re a Kumail Nanjiani completist — today is the day to stop completing.

 ?? Mark Hill / 20th Century Fox / Associated Press ?? Dave Bautista, left, and Kumail Nanjiani in a scene from “Stuber.”
Mark Hill / 20th Century Fox / Associated Press Dave Bautista, left, and Kumail Nanjiani in a scene from “Stuber.”

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