Stamford Advocate

The Just Recovery pledge

- D. W. Pollack Stamford

Since March 2020, more than 200,000 people in the United States have died from the COVID-19 pandemic, millions have become unemployed and or food insecure, climate-fueled disasters have destroyed lives, and racial injustice has continued to compound the impacts of these crises. Our government has failed to respond adequately to these dire crises. Now more than ever, we need to know that the politician­s who represent us will do everything in their power to ensure communitie­s can recover from the devastatin­g and compoundin­g impacts of the climate crisis, a struggling economy, systemic racism and COVID-19. That is why we are asking our candidates for office to pledge to ensure a just recovery.

Our local leaders must integrate the following principles in their response to the current health, economic, climate, and racial injustice crises:

Protect all workers and provide Medicare for all Provide relief directly to people, regardless of immigratio­n status Protect our democracy Prioritize community-led recovery in hardest hit communitie­s Stop Fossil Fuel extraction Invest in a Green New Deal Hold Trump and other corrupt or inept politician­s accountabl­e

This is the only way we can emerge from these crises stronger and with clear action plans to ensure that people and our planet are protected. To do right by our community and generation­s to come, we cannot afford to stop short of a full Just Recovery. The Just Recovery pledge is a project led by 350 Action, along with a coalition of partners. We call on our local mayors, Congress Members, and state officials to join us in reimaginin­g how we build back better by demanding our leaders put people over profit at all levels.

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