Stamford Advocate

Why not cut minimum wage to $5?

- Don Hermann of Greenwich is the author of “What is the Meaning of Life (And 92 other things I don’t have answers to).”

Let’s reduce the minimum wage to $5 an hour.

This way the small businesspe­rson can stand a better chance of making a profit and stay in business.

The worker starves at $7.25 an hour, can they starve any more at $5? Maybe the small business can even hire more people. Whether the employee is paid $5 or $7.25, we know that’s not a living wage. Is it possible the employer could be staying in business on the backs of people who are grossly underpaid?

Another way to look at it is that the worker is indirectly helping finance a business by working for outrageous­ly low pay. Admittedly, the businesspe­rson is taking the financial risk, but should we overlook the contributi­on of the worker?

In the United States, we like to tell countries around the world what they should pay their employees. And we don’t want to do business with those countries where workers are grossly underpaid. In other words, being taken advantage of. Using us as a model, perhaps when you look at the value of our dollar against some of their currencies, there may not be as big a difference as we claim.

According to the World Population Review, the United States comes in 12th in hourly pay. The World Leader, 12th? For your interest, Luxembourg is first at $13.78 per hour. France ranks third at $11.66. Canada is 10th at $9.52. And that doesn’t take in account the cost of living. In that area, the United States does less well in the standings.

What could be done about this disparity? Maybe it has something to do with all the anger, hate, blame, fear that’s prevalent in our country and other parts of the world, as well.

Our history tells us that in times of a crisis, we come together. We support each other. For the betterment of all of us. If you think I’m blowing smoke, just look at the current pandemic situation. More than 500,000 of us died. Almost 30 million of us have been diagnosed with the virus.

As horrific as those numbers are, consider what would have happened if it were not for the first-responders and the thousands and thousands of others who put themselves in harms way, to contribute.

These were people of all ages, colors, stripes, profession­s who were risking their health for the sake of others, regardless of their

According to the World Population Review, the United States comes in 12th in hourly pay. The World Leader, 12th? For your interest, Luxembourg is first at $13.78 per hour. France ranks third at $11.66. Canada is 10th at $9.52. And that doesn’t take in account the cost of living. In that area, the United States does less well in the standings. income, color of skin, political party. How many millions of families were impacted by their generosity? Their caring. Human beings helping other human beings. Isn’t that what America is about?

People are hurting. This is not charity. This is compensati­ng people for their value. They should be earning a living wage. We would all benefit as they benefit.

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