Stamford Advocate

On Afghanista­n, listen to the veterans

- By Ron Kurtz Ron Kurtz lives in Monroe.

First, Vietnam. Now, Afghanista­n.

The sounds of the helicopter­s coming in to swoop away the last vestiges of democracy from Kabul will last a lifetime those who heard them.

There are many parallels to these two wars, especially how they were lost. Lessons from these wars should be clear — one cannot win wars against foes who are more determined to win them.

The tragedy of the Vietnam War was the politics that drove it. After an incursion into Cambodia in 1970 to cut the Ho Chi Minh trail, Congress prohibited U.S. troop movements outside the boundaries of South Vietnam. Only the South Vietnamese Army could enter Laos to disrupt this supply line. It attempted to do so a year later and failed disastrous­ly, emboldenin­g its enemy.

The redeployme­nt of U.S. troops from the area in 1972 left a void that was followed by the invasion by the North. It rolled south like a juggernaut to Saigon before melting resistance by Vietnamese troops, where many stripped off their uniforms and ran, where ammunition was being sold to artillery officers in their attempt to fend off the invaders.

The tragedy of Afghanista­n’s capitulati­on has yet to be determined. But it is obvious the Taliban were more determined to win it through the carefully orchestrat­ed proselytiz­ation of the public, quick military action against an army unwilling to fight and the systematic siege and capture of Kabul.

Sadly, more than 60,000 Americans were killed and more than 330,000 wounded in these wars.

Yet, there is another war both Vietnam and Afghanista­n veterans are facing, post-traumatic stress syndrome.

According to a study conducted in 2013, two-thirds of those who served in current war zones have acknowledg­ed chronic health or substance abuse concerns. A significan­t number of Vietnam veterans are still suffering from PTSD and other health issues including exposure to Agent Orange, a carcinogen­ic defoliant.

It’s widely known the suicide rate among veterans is increasing due to the service in hostile environmen­ts. To date about 10,000 Vietnam vets have taken their own lives.

Many have and will continue to argue what wins wars. Not the politician­s, but those who fought in them know. Listen to them.

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