Stamford Advocate


- Frank Stewart

Cy the Cynic, a shameless chauvinist, and Wendy, our club’s ardent feminist, are always at odds.

“I know you think Wendy is kin to Lucifer,” I told Cy, “but you’d like her if you knew her better.”

“There’s a little angel in her smile, a little devil in her eyes,” Cy said. “Look what she did as declarer.”

Cy showed me today’s deal. He and Wendy were North-South in a penny game.

“I put her in four spades,” the Cynic said. “The contract was hopeless, off three trumps and a heart, but she made it. West cashed a heart and shifted to a club. Wendy won and judged to play West for a singleton trump honor. She ruffed her last heart in dummy and led the QUEEN of trumps.”

East thoughtles­sly covered with the king, and there was a loud crash as West’s ace fell. Wendy later got to dummy to lead a second trump toward her ten. Making four.

“She swindled poor East,” I said.

“Be careful whom you trust,” Cy sighed, “especially Wendy. The devil was once an angel.” DAILY QUESTION You hold: S 10 8 5 4 2

H 9 3 D Q 9 C A K Q J. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one spade, he bids two hearts and you try three clubs. Partner then bids three diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your partner “reversed.” His bidding suggests six diamonds, four hearts and a big hand. If he has only None, A K 7 6, A K J 8 6 4, 6 5 4, you can make seven diamonds. The auction is forcing to game, so you can raise to four diamonds and await developmen­ts.

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