Stamford Advocate


- Frank Stewart

“Of course I; know how to use a semicolon, how dare you.” — graffiti

Today you can prove that you can make a contract I’d expect all my readers to negotiate. Against 3NT, West leads the six of spades: five, nine, jack. What is your plan?

When I watched the deal, South took the king of clubs and finessed with dummy’s jack.

East won and returned a spade: queen, king. South won the next spade but had only eight tricks: two spades, two hearts, a diamond, three clubs. West was sure to get in with his queen of diamonds to cash two spades.

Down one.

South’s play was not even semicompet­ent. I’m sure you would lead a club to the ace at Trick Two and return a diamond to your ten. You want to prevent East from winning an early trick for a fatal spade return. If West wins and leads a heart, you win in dummy, lead a diamond to your jack and cash the ace.

West discards, but you take the king of clubs and concede a club. You win three club tricks and two of everything else. DAILY QUESTION You hold: S A Q J H A 9 5 D A J 10 C K 6 5 2. Neither side vulnerable. The dealer, at your right, opens three spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: It would be nice to say “I double for penalty” if the rules allowed. As it is, if you double, your partner may take out to four of a minor. Bid 3NT. If he will have the decency to produce a few points, you should make it. If he has nothing, you will go down, but that is a chance you are obliged to take.

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