Stamford Advocate


- Frank Stewart

I’ve heard it said that any statement of 50 or more words is sure to contain at least one exception. Almost all bridge “rules” have exceptiona­l cases — and a lot fewer than 50 words.

Today’s South played at four hearts after East-West bid spades. West led the ace and deuce of spades, and East took the queen and shifted hopefully to the king of clubs.

Declarer took the ace, drew trumps and led the jack of diamonds, winning, and a diamond to the king and ace.

When East led a second club, South took the queen, ruffed his last spade in dummy and threw his last club on the high diamond. Making four.

“Punch declarer, not dummy” is the rule (comprising all of four words), but this deal was exceptiona­l. At Trick Three, East must continue with the king of spades, forcing dummy to ruff and removing the late entry to the third diamond.

East need not rush to get club tricks. If he can prevent declarer from using the diamonds for a club discard, the contract may fail.

DAILY QUESTION You hold: S K Q 9 8 H J 10 2 D A 9 5 3 C K 10. Your partner opens one heart, you respond one spade and he jumps to three hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s jump-rebid suggests about 16 high-card points and a good six-card suit. You have enough winners and controls to take over with a Blackwood bid of 4NT, planning to bid six hearts unless he has only one ace. If partner’s hand is A 5, A K 9 6 5 4, 8 7, A 9 4, slam will be all but cold.

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