Stamford Advocate


- Frank Stewart

“Simple Saturday” columns focus on basic technique and logical thinking.

A beginning text may include a defender’s “table of preferred leads”: the proper card to lead from various holdings. From Q-J9-7-3, the textbook lead is the queen, the highest card in the broken sequence. But some situations aren’t found in texts.

Against today’s 3NT, West led the nine of hearts, a high spot to suggest a weak suit. East took the ace and knew not to return a heart. He tried the deuce of spades, fourth-highest from his broken suit: seven, queen, four. West returned the five: six, king, ace. South lost a diamond finesse, won the third spade and claimed an overtrick.


At Trick Two, East must lead the ten of spades. If South plays the jack, West wins and returns a spade, and East gets two more spades and the king of diamonds for down one.

Such “surroundin­g” or “honor-trapping” plays are common. You lead the card that would have been correct if you had a sequential holding.

DAILY QUESTION You hold: S 9 6 4 H K J 10 D A Q 10 9 4 C K 4. You open one diamond, and your partner responds one heart. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: A bid of 1NT to show a balanced minimum hand or a rebid of two diamonds would not be a mistake (though two diamonds would really suggest a six-card or longer suit). A raise to two hearts is best. To raise partner’s major-suit response with good three-card support is a long-term winning tactic.

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