Stamford Advocate

COVID precaution­s derail friendship

- Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 96440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

Dear Abby: A dear friend of many years is currently not speaking to me. She recently moved from California to Denver and had invited me to visit. We agreed on the dates, and I took time off work and booked the flights. Less than two weeks before my arrival, she abruptly canceled the visit, expressing no regrets or concern for whether I would be able to get a refund from the airline.

She indicated that because I was not comfortabl­e with the recently lifted mask mandates and other COVID precaution­s in her state and prefer to continue to avoid indoor dining, bars, etc., that she wanted to “postpone for a few months,” when we might be able to enjoy more activities. When I expressed hurt feelings at being disinvited, she became angry and ceased communicat­ion. Is this friendship over? How should I proceed?

Risk-Averse In The West

Dear Risk-Averse: I am not sure why your friend became angry and canceled your visit, unless she had planned activities that would take place in restaurant­s, theaters, etc. I am also puzzled that she should end a friendship of many years over it. Because this is recent, give her a little more time to cool off. Then extend an olive branch and see if she has put this unfortunat­e episode in perspectiv­e.

Dear Abby: I have a former colleague whose company I enjoyed while I was working with him. He thought highly of my work ethic, and we worked well together. Because of this, he has asked me to be a profession­al reference for him sporadical­ly over the years, which I always happily agreed to. The problem is we haven’t worked together in six years.

Because it has been so long, I no longer feel as though I’m a good reference for him. I also worry that recruiters will wonder why I was chosen after all this time. He reaches out to me only for reference requests, so it’s not as though I’m damaging a long-term friendship, but

I still care about him and his feelings. How can I politely decline his future requests?

Reluctant Reference

Dear Reluctant: In recent years, the amount of informatio­n that can be shared about former employees and colleagues is quite restricted. I believe it’s limited to the dates you worked together. However, because you no longer wish to be a reference, you will have to bite the bullet and be honest about your feelings and the reason why.

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