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Researcher­s studied an area of the scalp equal to 2x2 cm and counted the hairs at the beginning of the study, at 4 months and at 8 months. At the end of the study, the participan­ts on the tocotrieno­l supplement had gained on average 34.5% more hair or an increase in average hair count from 285 to 383 hairs. Most of the group showed increases of 10-25%, but 40% of the group had more than 50% increase in hair growth. And only one person did not have any

 ??  ?? *Tropical Life Sciences Research 2010 “Effects of Tocotrieno­l Supplement­ation on Hair Growth in Human Volunteers”Beoy, Woei et Hay, University Sains Malaysia.
*Tropical Life Sciences Research 2010 “Effects of Tocotrieno­l Supplement­ation on Hair Growth in Human Volunteers”Beoy, Woei et Hay, University Sains Malaysia.

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