Star (USA)


- By Jennifer Angel


Change is coming! Stay focused on the big picture and be mindful not to take stress out on loved ones if there's ever a time and a place to shake your life up, it's now!


JULY 23–AUG. 22

Discipline and determinat­ion are needed to achieve the end goal. If love is testing your patience, remember: Even quirky character traits can be endearing.


AUG. 23–SEPT. 22

Enjoy the simple things that life has to offer! High expectatio­ns in love can lead to disappoint­ment; accept someone’s good as well as their irritating sides. Open your heart to let love in.


SEPT. 23–OCT. 22

If your to-do list is endless, then start rescheduli­ng or cancelling arrangemen­ts. If you’re impatient with a lover or coworker, try being more tolerant.


OCT. 23–NOV. 21

In the career arena, the spotlight shines on you! Pleasant and unexpected surprises are headed your way. However, be careful of being too pushy. Let a situation evolve on its own.


NOV. 22–DEC. 21

At work, if someone puts you in the hot seat, then show your star quality by thinking on your feet. Superiors will take notice, so don’t hold back!


DEC. 22–JAN. 19

Life is exciting! With so much good happening, stay focused on priorities. Find time for self-care. With love, choose a partner worthy of your affections.


JAN. 20–FEB. 18

Focus on you and allow others to sort out their issues. With any partnershi­p, it’s smart to keep love and money matters separate. When speaking with a significan­t other, be mindful that it’s not what you say but how you say it that counts.


FEB. 19–MARCH 20

Most things in life are negotiable. If you’re debating an issue in your head, it’s best to get a second opinion. A passionate connection is in the stars. If an attractive stranger crosses your path, it’s OK to throw caution to the wind this time!



Beware of mixing business with pleasure — blurring the lines between the two can be tricky. With work, seeking to please everyone is a thankless job, so don’t try. In the romance arena, it’s time to say what your heart truly feels!



A slow and steady pace wins the race. Don’t be tempted to jump to conclusion­s or make rash decisions. Be analytical and strategic to achieve the best result. Your love life is on fire, but make sure to be your authentic self!


MAY 21–JUNE 20

When it concerns your romantic partner, don’t be discourage­d by what others think. What goes around comes around, so don’t focus on the negative and you’ll attract positive results.

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