Star (USA)



Goop, she did it again! Gwyneth Paltrow — purveyor of $398 serums, $145 tee shirts and that infamous “vagina” candle — gave folks another reason to mock her for being above it all. On May 3 the Oscar winner was seen cutting the line at the Santa Monica, Calif, DMV, jumping ahead of some 50 people. “I make an appointmen­t and still end up waiting,” griped one Twitter user. “The rich are different from you and me.”

The 48-year-old is accustomed to such preferenti­al treatment, an insider tells Star. “She likes to be waited on hand and foot when she’s out shopping,” dishes the insider. “And expects her assistant to handle the ugly business of payment.”

Still, the mom of two, who was instrument­al in launching the investigat­ion into media mogul Harvey Weinstein’s sexual misconduct, can have a sense of humor about herself. In a recent Vogue clip in which she discussed 15 of her iconic looks, she quipped, “If I’ve learned one thing, it’s how not to show your vagina on a red carpet.”

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