Starkville Daily News

Vaughan’s Vocab

- By Don R. Vaughan For Starkville Daily News

In Pastor Bob Kauflin’s article “Thoughts on a Call to Worship,” he says that every beginning says something. There are various ways of letting a congregati­on know that the worship service is starting. Some churches run a countdown video. Others have the musicians play the first song. Some churches begin with a friendly welcome. Some churches even open with announceme­nts.

I think the best way to begin is with a call to worship from scripture. Kauflin points out that the church is the “ekklesia”, the called out ones. When we gather as God’s people, according to Kauflin, we’re being called away from other pursuits to worship God together in a specific place and time.

This week’s Vaughan’s Vocabulary quizzes you on words relating to worship.

[1.] One of my favorites is from the Psalmist, “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into …” A. the sanctuary.

B. the house of the Lord.

C. the worship service.

D. prayer.

[2.] primacy (PRY-muh-see)

A. first in importance

B. instructio­nal

C. inspiratio­nal

D. motivation­al

No. 1 is B.

Pastor Kauflin says a call to worship from scripture tells the congregati­on that the meeting has begun, but it communicat­es much more than that. It emphasizes the primacy of God’s word. No. 2 is A.

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