Starkville Daily News

Are you prepared? - Matthew 25:1-13


On Facebook, we are witnessing destructio­n throughout our nation. The devastatio­n to the coastlines of Texas, the raging wildfires throughout Montana, Washington, Oregon, and California, and now Irma which is a storm of biblical proportion that is causing widespread destructio­n in the Caribbean that within a few days based on the projection­s will strike Florida and cause widespread destructio­n.

Most people are rushing now to get provisions and making last minute preparatio­ns for this coming storm.

The Bible tells us that we need to be prepared for what is coming. For there is coming a Day of Judgment and these storms, fires, and earthquake­s are warnings of what is to come, yet many will wait until the last minute to be prepared. Paul said, “Now concerning the times and seasons, brothers and sisters, you have no need for anything to be written to you. For you yourselves know very well that the Day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night. When they are saying, “Shalom (Peace) and safety,” sudden destructio­n comes upon them like a woman having birth pains in the womb—there is no way they will escape. But you, brothers and sisters, are not in the dark, so that the Day might overtake you like a thief.” ~ 1 Thessaloni­ans 5:1-4. In Paul’s words, he is telling us to be watchful and prepared.

Then we read the Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25. Again, this is telling us to have ourselves ready for the coming of the Bridegroom (Messiah Jesus). Yet many have become lethargic in their lives. Jesus said it will be like the Days of Noah and Lot. They will be living as they please, the skies are sunny, the birds are chirping, life goes on. Yet He says, then sudden destructio­n will come. Many will perish (physically but most sadly eternally) because their lives are not prepared for the Lord. They have become lethargic in their religious ways, they are more interested in talking only about a happy, happy, joy, joy life, without speaking about repentance and the coming Judgment of God. So many will not be ready because many religious leaders are not speaking about what will happen to those who are not prepared for the Day of the Lord.

Is what is happening judgments by God? Yes, God uses nature to get our attention, but also get us on our knees before Him. Throughout the Scriptures God used judgments of devastatio­n to get the Nation of Israel to repent with ashes and sackcloth. Even Nineveh through God’s warnings and finally Jonah’s warnings to repent, then the entire nation repented by covering themselves with ashes and sackcloth.

These storms and fires are warnings of what soon lies ahead of us all. You must get your dwelling place prepared, but also get your life in line with the Lord. Now is the time to repent and return to God through His Only Son. Now is the time to be ready for the coming of the Bridegroom. Now is the time to cover yourself with ashes and sackcloth. Now is the time of Salvation.

If you wait, you will regret it… eternally. Now is the time to choose.

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