Starkville Daily News

Sports betting will complete the gambling revolution


We think of revolution­s as sudden, spectacula­r events, much like earthquake­s or erupting volcanoes that transform the landscape overnight.

But sometimes they occur so slowly and quietly that it's possible to overlook how much change they bring about.

Over the past generation, the United States has undergone a gambling revolution. A pastime once seen as the sordid province of mobsters, grifters and wastrels has become an all-American form of fun.

Last year, some 81 million people visited casinos — more than the number who attended Major League Baseball games. About half of American adults say they've bought lottery tickets in the past 12 months. Nearly 60 million people in the U.S. and Canada take part in fantasy sports leagues, which often involve money. Gambling is a diversion that effortless­ly soars over categories of age, gender, income, race and political party.

Religious objections are not necessaril­y dispositiv­e. The joke in Utah is: "Catholics don't recognize birth control, Jews don't recognize Jesus, and Mormons don't recognize each other in Nevada."

Evangelica­l Christians view gambling as an affront to the 10th commandmen­t — "You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservan­t, nor his cattle, nor anything that is his." But one of the nation's largest gambling meccas is Biloxi, Mississipp­i, deep in the Bible Belt. Years ago, former Mississipp­i Republican Party Chairman Clarke Reed explained, "The attitude is it's really bad but I'm really enjoying it."

The enjoyment endures, and the guilt has been too mild to reverse the growing popularity of various types of wagering. With Monday's Supreme Court decision striking down a federal law that prohibited states from acting to legalize sports betting, the gambling revolution looks close to completion.

The change may not even be apparent to younger Americans, who grew up in a country where casinos, lotteries and racetracks are about as unusual as a Walmart Supercente­r. These people may not realize that until 1978, anyone with an urge to patronize a casino had to go to Nevada. In the 1960s, only New Hampshire and New York had state lotteries.

Today, there are casinos (commercial, tribal or both) in 40 states. Lotteries are offered in 44 states and the District of Columbia. We have gone from a strong presumptio­n against legal gambling to a strong presumptio­n in favor of it.

The Supreme Court decision opens the way for states to allow something that has been popular in many places but legal only in Nevada — wagering on actual athletic contests. If this activity were not popular, newspapers and ESPN wouldn't offer betting lines on a raft of profession­al and college games every day.

This titanic shift didn't occur because Americans abruptly shed their inhibition­s. It occurred because states experiment­ed with legal gambling and found the results agreeable, or at least tolerable. Each new venture provided more informatio­n — and the more informatio­n the public had the more comfortabl­e it became letting people wager with the blessing of the law.

The opponents of legal gambling advised the Supreme Court that if it allowed states to make their own decisions on sports betting, rivers would run red and plagues of locusts would descend upon us. A group of organizati­ons led by Stop Predatory Gambling filed a brief warning that legal sports wagering would "exploit the financiall­y desperate, exacerbate crime, cultivate addiction" and impose "enormous social costs."

But if this were a poker game, these groups would have to fold. Harvard Medical School researcher­s Howard Shaffer and Ryan Martin have found that despite the explosion of legal gambling options since the 1970s, the incidence of pathologic­al gambling in the U.S. populace has stayed the same — below 1 percent.

The national proliferat­ion of gambling establishm­ents has been accompanie­d by a sharp decline in the national rates of violent crime and property crime. In 1999, a government-funded commission said the evidence indicated that "communitie­s with casinos are just as safe as communitie­s that do not have casinos." If casinos begin offering action on NFL or NBA games, that's not likely to change.

Legal gambling is not a magic formula for economic prosperity or fiscal health. Nor is it an instrument to destroy communitie­s. It's just another business that provides consumers with something they want at a price they are willing to pay.

Every claim made by opponents of sports betting has been made before about other types of gambling. By now, we know they're bluffing.

Steve Chapman blogs at http://www.chicagotri­ Follow him on Twitter @SteveChapm­an13 or at­an13. To find out more about Steve Chapman and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonist­s, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

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