Starkville Daily News

Prepare a disaster go-box for important documents

- By BONNIE COBLENTZ MSU Extension Service

Movies depict many scenarios where a person has to leave home quickly, and those scenes show how important it is to grab the right items.

Susan Cosgrove, family resource management Extension associate with the Mississipp­i State University Extension Service, said cash and financial records should be high on the list of items to take in an emergency.

“Collecting, copying, organizing and storing financial records now could help you avoid problems and recover faster after a disaster,” Cosgrove said. “The originals and other valuables should be kept in a safe place, such as a safety deposit box at a bank.”

Cosgrove urged all families and individual­s to have an emergency go-box for the unexpected.

“This box is used as a portable file of your important documents, plus cash that you can grab to go if a disaster strikes with no warning,” she said. “This is not to be used as a lockbox for valuables.”

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