Starkville Daily News

In Jesus Name


God's word is for his people. God has promised to protect you until his purpose has been fulfilled. He will, he shall preserve you. There is no power that can destroy you for you are forever in his hand. He has left you many signs of his presence so that you have not to wonder that he is near. As the storms of life rage just wait on the Lord.

The word tells us in Isaiah 40:31…” But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Those who wait on the Lord will be satisfied, they will see prayers answered, they will be encouraged by their own personal revelation from the Lord, they will experience joy in due time. In God's time. So, I say to you “wait!”

In our waiting, God is calling us to put our hope and trust in him and not in ourselves. He is calling us to depend on him and what we have learned of him in his word. We must remember (while we wait) all that God has done for us. We must look to the hills and not focus on the mountain. We must look past our circumstan­ce so that we are able to gaze upon the angels who sit afar watching over us. But we can only do this when we are walking with him and not in our own will.

God calls us into obedience to his will in all that we do. The more we trust and obey; the more faithful we will become; the more God turns to us to assure us of his love, grace and mercy. Our confidence must be found in God, for he is not able to fail.

The crossroads of life lead us to many dire places, painful situations and helpless moments but we must know that it is God who has allowed such a thing to happen so that we will draw closer to him.

As believers before us have journeyed, they often fell prey to idol worship and disobedien­ce. God was angered by such and acted out against them. But, he also forgave and blessed them as they turned back to him. So, consider your period of waiting to be a period of separation from doing your will to a period of returning to God. If you are already in the Lord, consider it as an appointed time in which God is calling you closer to him. Know that all things are already working “together” for your good and for the glory of God.

Know that in our waiting, we will be called to call on the Lord not in sorrow but boldly proclaimin­g his promises. We will run to him with a spirit of expectancy. In expectancy, we rise above the situation; we run through the trouble; we kneel to pray to an almighty and all-powerful God. Set your mind body and soul on the word of God; he is waiting on you.

As a believer, we must know that we are not a weak people. As the past rears his ugly head to bring doubt and despair…know this…he is able. He is the lily in the valley when life gives us weeds. He hung the moon and the stars so that they would shine as our nights grow long and dark. He spoke creation into being so that we would be provided for. He is the beginning and the end of all things. He has placed us in the middle so that he could hold us tight. He is God. Therefore, we are now strong against that which formerly hindered us. Our strength lies in the Lord. We are waiting, knowing that the victory belongs to us, for we are in Jesus Christ. It is in our deliveranc­e that we are made strong. Oh, how great is his faithfulne­ss towards us. He's shown himself faithful and true. As we wait on the Lord, he's also is waiting on you.

It is in the name of Jesus that we pray. Amen.

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