Starkville Daily News

Are We Prepared? - Joel 2:28-32


“And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the Lord ~ Joel 2:30-31.

As I sit and read God's word and review many of the prophetic words people have written, I have seen a pattern. Yet, understand this; I pray about the words that some write and discern their writings, to which many I dismiss, but a few I have not.

Of those I have read the one thing that stands out is a sense of urgency. These writers are not looking for popularity or selling books, but deep concern for the souls of many who may be walking blindly within this nation and around the world. They like many are called to be Watchman on the Wall sounding the alarm (Ezekiel 33:16). They know people do not want to hear that danger is approachin­g, but want to live as nothing is going to happen. I call these people Cotton-candy followers. This is why Jesus said that narrow is the way to life in Him and broad is the way that leads to destructio­n (Matthew 7:13-14).

What is interestin­g is how from Matthew 7:13-23 there are three themes which align with each other. One is to follow the path of Jesus which is narrow and difficult; many will be deceived by false prophets (preachers) who appear godly and speak with pleasant words, which Paul spoke about (2 Timothy 3:5), but are ravenous wolves. Then a time will come when those who followed Cotton-candy Preaching, will stand before Jesus and hear these dreadful words, “I never knew you, depart from Me, you who practice lawlessnes­s (iniquity, wickedness, immorality, sin).

But to the sense of urgency, I believe God is pouring out to those who are receptive to listen to what He is showing us. Yes, I believe without a shadow of doubt that we are nearing something that will be life-changing for many. Ever since reading the book by Joel Rosenberg called “Implosion”, I believe soon a Third Great Spiritual Awakening is soon to come. A statement by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn from his study companion based his book the Harbinger that many times revivals come from judgment by God.

So I hear judgment, then what about the rapture? From others and what I have heard in my heart and I wrote about it, and that is, a Harvest is coming. This harvest just well may be what will happen during this spiritual awakening. The Lord has shown that He will protect and provide for His own, but to understand, genuine believers are not being punished (1 Thessaloni­ans 5:9), but those who have been in a spiritual coma or state of slumber need to be awakened. This shaking will be used to awaken the body and motivate them to spread the Good News of Jesus the Messiah.

Also understand when God begins to pour out His Spirit, the Enemy and his followers will try to thwart what is happening. This is why we must put on the whole armor of God and know how to use the Word “Sword” of God to defeat the Enemy (Ephesians 6:17). We have a promised victory; yet we will still have to go into battle for the souls of many. The time has come to take a stance and choose who you will serve!

What judgment will come? In Isaiah 46:10, God declares that the end is from the beginning. What this just might as well mean is as Jesus spoke about the Last Days will be like the days of Lot and Noah. (Luke 17:20-37)

In the days of Noah, (Genesis 6, 7, 8) the wicked inhabitant­s of the earth were destroyed by the flood, except for those who were righteous: Noah and his family. The next time will be by fire. (2 Peter 3:10-13)

During the days of Lot, he resided in a rich land of Sodom and Gomorrah. Yet these two cities compromise­d themselves and permitted the lifestyles of sexual sins and other forms of wickedness. I think of Romans 1:18-32 regarding the lifestyles Lot lived in. Yet he and family were the only survivors that made it out of Sodom. So how did these two cities and the surroundin­g off chutes communitie­s get destroyed? By fire and brimstone, this most likely could be volcanic. God has and still uses nature to bring judgment against the wicked and rebellious lands, as well as invasions from other lands. (Genesis 18:16-19:29)

So what does this have to do with today? What about what was spoken in Joel 2:30 about blood, fire, and pillars of smoke. This depicts volcanic activity in a greater proportion. The sun being blocked and the moon being turned into blood are effects of volcanic eruptions. Keep in mind that even in Revelation it speaks of volcanic activity in even greater proportion­s, all before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the Lord.

You may say nothing has happened yet. However, do we wait until sudden judgment comes before getting our hearts aligned with God? (1 Thessaloni­ans 5:3) What if you died tomorrow or even today?

There is no time to waste on what you want, but what He wants from you, which is a real relationsh­ip with Him. This is not just about going to church every time the doors are open; it is about a daily walk and prayer. When was the last time you asked for the filling of the Holy Spirit? Yes, when you accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit entered you, yet like when you got a new car, unless you put fuel in it, the new car does you no good. The filling power of the Holy Spirit is a must in your life in order to do battle as we are called to do (Ephesians 6:10-20).

In the Last Days, many will be deceived and believe the lies that come from those who appear godly and even use Christian clichés', but understand that many will have the form of godliness but deny the power (other ways to heaven besides Jesus). But you who know the Word of God through devotion and study, be prepared to encourage and rebuke the ways of the world and stand fast in His Word, not by those who follow the New Age Religion and other false religions which is on the rise.

Are you prepared for what lies ahead, or are you just doing like the rest who sit and play church; those who leave the church building they act and resemble like those who are lost in this dying world of sin? Are you following the Word of God or what Cotton-candy teachers are preaching? Is your pastor preaching about the coming judgment against the wickedness of this earth? Is your pastor preaching about the need for repentance from sin? Is your pastor teaching and preparing you how to be a warrior for Christ or just telling you how to be a member of their church by following their man-made doctrines?

It is time to take a stand for Jesus Christ!!!

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