Starkville Daily News

Democrat Mike Espy outraises GOP Sen. Cindy Hydesmith nearly 3-to-1


Democrat Mike Espy raised nearly three times the money Republican incumbent U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-smith raised in the second quarter of 2020, according to campaign finance reports released on Tuesday evening.

Espy raised $610,000 between April 1 and June 30. Hydesmith raised just $212,000 in that same period. Despite her poor second quarter, Hyde-smith has still raised more money than Espy this campaign cycle: $2.1 million to Espy’s $1.4 million.

The November general election is a rematch between the two candidates, who squared off in a 2018 special election to fill the seat of the late U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran. Hyde-smith defeated Espy in a runoff by eight points — the closest a Democrat has come to the U.S. Senate in the modern political era.

This campaign cycle, Hydesmith has raised less money than every incumbent U.S. senator who isn’t retiring, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. One reason for her struggle to raise money is backlash following racially insensitiv­e comments she made late in the 2018 special election.

Hyde-smith made several remarks on the trail — including saying she would attend a “public hanging” — that garnered national scrutiny and inspired numerous corporate political committees to ask Hyde-smith to return their previous contributi­ons. Some of those PACS included Major League Baseball, AT&T, Union Pacific, Aetna, Pfizer, Google and Facebook.

As the candidates ramp up their campaigns ahead of the November election, race will continue to shape the political narrative. The death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapoli­s police has inspired a national movement that has reached the state of Mississipp­i in profound and historic ways.

After tens of thousands have marched dozens of Mississipp­i cities’ streets in protest, local government­s across the state have toppled Confederat­e iconograph­y. The Mississipp­i Legislatur­e, after decades of apprehensi­on, voted last month to remove the state flag, the last in the nation featuring the Confederat­e battle emblem.

Espy, who in the 1990s became the first black congressma­n elected in Mississipp­i since Reconstruc­tion, has framed his campaign messaging around his family’s contributi­on to racial justice and the demands of Black Lives Matter organizers. He’s criticized Hyde-smith in recent days for her ties to Confederat­e imagery, and he’s highlighte­d her silence on the contentiou­s debate over whether to change the state flag.

Successful fundraisin­g, while vital to statewide candidates, does not necessaril­y translate to broad support at the polls, as Espy knows better than anyone. In 2018, Espy raised $7.5 million compared to $5.5 million for the victorious Hyde-smith. Though he lost, he became the first Democrat in several statewide elections to outraise a Republican opponent.

One advantage to fundraisin­g success could become national attention. After Hyde-smith’s controvers­ial comments came to light in the 2018 election, national reporters flocked to the state to cover the possibilit­y of a Democrat swiping a Senate seat from the Republican Party. And as debate across the nation rages regarding racial inequities and unequal representa­tion in government, the race could again draw national headlines and additional fundraisin­g success for Espy.

Exactly how much national attention and funding will pour into the Mississipp­i race remains to be seen. In the 2020 presidenti­al election year, Democratic Senate candidates in several Republican-controlled states are getting media attention and focused national funds as pundits believe Democrats have a shot to gain majority control of the U.S. Senate. So far this year, Espy and Mississipp­i have largely missed that connection.

But Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez told Mississipp­i Today in late 2019 the national party would invest in Mississipp­i for the third straight election year.

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