Starkville Daily News

No Longer a Baby


The birth of a baby is, perhaps, the most exciting time in the life of a couple. Nine months are spent in planning for its arrival – then a lifetime is spent in caring for and loving him. As we watch him grow, we often wish, “Oh, if we could just keep him at this age!” Of course, that is not possible and not what we would really want. All babies grow up and that includes the

baby Jesus, the Christ child, whose birth we are preparing to celebrate.

According to Rick Warren in “The Purpose of Christmas,” in our Christmas celebratio­ns, “Most people’s conception of Jesus is only as a helpless newborn in His mother’s arms. But if Jesus had never grown up to do what He did, He would have no power to transform lives.”

Charles Lowery, in his article, “The Main Event,” told the story of a young boy who, years ago, learned that the circus was coming to town. He had never seen a circus but had heard how wonderful they were. When he asked his dad if he could go, his dad said they could not afford the dollar admission. However, since it was several weeks before the circus would be in town, the dad told him if he would work hard and earn fifty cents, then he would provide the remaining money.

When the day arrived, the boy stood on Main Street with his ticket in hand to see the lions, tigers, performers, and clowns march down the street. He had never seen anything so thrilling and was mesmerized by all the wonderful things. As the last clown danced by, the boy handed him his ticket, then headed back home. Later, when his dad came in, he remarked that the boy was back earlier than he had expected. “How was it?” His son described all the clowns, lions, tigers, and performers that danced by him. Then he told his dad about giving his ticket to the clown. A look of sadness came to the face of the dad and, with tears in his eyes, he took his young son on his lap and said, “Son, I have some bad news for you. Today, you missed the circus. You only saw the parade.”

My prayer is that you will not miss the “Main Event” in all the excitement of celebratin­g Christmas; that you will not miss Jesus, the child born in a manger who grew to manhood, becoming the Savior of all who will accept Him.

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