Starkville Daily News

MSU Libraries documents African American legislator­s in Mississipp­i

- For Starkville Daily News

The first African American men to serve on Mississipp­i’s state legislatur­e during and immediatel­y after Reconstruc­tion are showcased in a Mississipp­i State online exhibit.

Titled “Against All Odds: The First Black Legislator­s in Mississipp­i,” the exhibit documents the lives of over 150 African American men who worked in the state legislatur­e leading up to 1894. The site features more than 800 newspaper clippings, dozens of portraits, quotes from primary and secondary sources, and biographie­s. Created by Deedee Baldwin, an MSU Libraries assistant professor, it is accessible at http:// msstate-exhibits.libraryhos­ show/legislator­s.

As a hobby, Baldwin, a history research librarian, contribute­s to websites that help document cemeteries by uploading pictures of gravestone­s. Her interest in this project was sparked in a predominan­tly African American cemetery in Macon several years ago when she discovered the grave of Isham Stewart, a man born in 1810—which she notes “is old for an African American headstone in the South.”

Baldwin’s interest in this grave, fueled by her passion for genealogy, led her to the online genealogy site where she found someone had uploaded a picture of Stewart. She contacted the source and discovered the picture came from the composite photo of the 1874 Mississipp­i Legislatur­e.

“It blew my mind that his headstone was just flat on the ground in the middle of the woods and he was a former state legislator in Mississipp­i,” Baldwin said.

She began researchin­g the legislator and learned he represente­d Noxubee County in the House of Representa­tives from 18701873 and his district in the Senate from 1874-1877. He also was a delegate at the 1868 Mississipp­i Constituti­onal Convention.

Baldwin said the difficult process of finding that informatio­n made her curious about others in the composite picture, so she began researchin­g all the African American men from the Reconstruc­tion era that served in Mississipp­i’s legislatur­e. She used her findings to create the digital exhibit that features alphabetiz­ed personal informatio­n pages. Pages include photos, biographic­al informatio­n, newspaper clippings, links and book excerpts. From this research, she received emails from some descendant­s of these men, which led to the procuremen­t of even more informatio­n she was able to add to her online database.

“It’s all about honoring these men and making a hard-to-find part of the historical record more accessible to people who want to research it. I would love to see more librarians, archivists and historians take on projects like this. It is so rewarding to get emails from descendant­s of these men and to see their legacies passed from generation to generation,” Baldwin said.

Earlier this fall semester, Baldwin was the guest speaker during the Mississipp­i Department of Archives and History’s “History is Lunch” presentati­on and was also featured on the latest MSU Libraries episode of “Cultural Conversati­ons” available online at Tv5oyzmq&

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