Starkville Daily News

Winter’s political career was complex, but he inarguably moved Mississipp­i forward


It is certainly no stretch of the truth to suggest that at the time of his death last week at the age of 97, former Mississipp­i Gov. William Winter was by and large beloved by the people of Mississipp­i.

Through his actions and his manner, Winter earned that status. The state’s Democrats lionized him, emulated him, and invoked his name in their own political affairs. Despite their steadfast disagreeme­nts over public policy, the state’s Republican­s respected him, wisely realizing that well into Winter’s ninth decade, his fingers on the political scales still had significan­t weight.

Winter’s great gift was his ability to disagree agreeably. To friend or foe, Winter was courtly, respectful, and as kind as people would allow him to be. Even when angered or provoked, Winter was always measured and in control when he responded.

His signature accomplish­ment as governor was the passage of the Education Reform Act of 1982. Getting that legislatio­n passed by a Mississipp­i Legislatur­e that had no initial intention of passing it spoke to Winter’s ability to forge strong coalitions and not get hung up on who took credit for the outcome.

Winter’s 1982 education reform package championed by the governor and his “Boys of Spring” staffers – David Crews, Bill Gartin, John Henegan, Ray Mabus, Dick Molpus, and Andy Mullins. Former House Speaker Pro Tempore Robert G. Clark of Ebenezer and the late Tupelo business leader Jack

Reed Sr. also played vital roles. The state’s newspapers were firmly in support of the reforms as well.

Winter shared the credit for the passage of the reforms generously. At Winter’s death on Dec. 19 – almost exactly 38 years to the day after passage of the historic education reforms – the sheer legislativ­e improbabil­ity of that policy victory makes it endure in Mississipp­i political lore as “the Christmas Miracle.”

From that point forward, Winter’s reputation was that of a dogged progressiv­e reformer, the standard-bearer for bringing Mississipp­i up to par with the rest of the country, and a firm supporter and facilitato­r of racial reconcilia­tion in his home state. All of those accolades ring true.

But Winter was also a pragmatic politician who lived during the painfully slow and politicall­y dangerous transition from monolithic segregatio­n and Jim Crow laws to federal interventi­on to attain a modicum of integratio­n. Today, no state in the union has more Black elected officials than does Mississipp­i.

His early career reflected the political realities of his day. As Dutch scholar Maarten Zwiers of an assistant professor in contempora­ry and U.S. history at the University of Groningen in the Netherland­s, wrote in a fascinatin­g 2015 article in the University of Southern Mississipp­i’s Southern Quarterly entitled “Good Cop, Bad Cop: Segregatio­nist Strategies and Democratic Party Politics in Mississipp­i, 1948 – 1960”:

“From the heyday of massive resistance until his (unsuccessf­ul) 1967gubern­atorial campaign, William Winter called himself a ‘Jim Eastland – John Stennis Democrat.’ Both senators championed the interests of white Mississipp­i, including segregatio­n, while they also successful­ly managed to keep the state in the Democratic ranks until the 1950s.

“While Eastland did not shy away from making extremely racist claims and was an outspoken advocate of massive resistance to racial integratio­n, Stennis based his opposition to Black civil rights more on constituti­onal arguments and followed a practical segregatio­n course,” Zwiers wrote.

Young Winter, walking the tightrope between those two approaches, by 1962 was preaching compromise: “Compromise per se is not only not bad, but on the other hand is as necessary as breathing. What so many of these starry-eyed idealists could never bring themselves to understand was that in the world of politics, of all places, there is seldom room for total victory.”

Zwiers concluded: “The subsequent destructio­n of Jim Crow not only enfranchis­ed Southern Blacks but also opened the way for a moderate like William Winter to become one of the most successful progressiv­e governors in the history of Mississipp­i.”

Winter was also exceedingl­y persistent in his pursuit of the Mississipp­i Governor’s Mansion, losing to Democrat John Bell Williams in 1967 and Democrat Cliff Finch in 1975 before defeating Republican Gil Carmichael in 1979.

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