Starkville Daily News

Nearly a thousand masks given out in Maben


On Saturday, the leaders in the Maben community partnered up with the Controller­s 4-H Club to hand out over 900 masks.

Maben Fire Chief Wayne Yeatman, Mayor Larry Pruitt, his wife Deborah Pruitt and Rose and Robert Graham who are leaders of Controller­s 4-H Club teamed up over the weekend for an event called All Roads Lead to Maben to make sure those who need masks have them as there is still a mask order out across the state.

“When I posted on All Roads Lead to Maben on Facebook for [a] free mask giveaway, it gave me great pleasure to see the cars start lining up,” Rose Graham said.

Masks were given out to disabled citizens and different church congregati­ons in the area. Masks are one of the first lines of defense against COVID-19 and keep it from spreading as it is an airborne virus which means it travels from person to person through respirator­y drops when you sneeze, cough or even talk and sing.

Masks are not only from preventing someone from spreading COVID, they also protect the wearer from contractin­g the virus. The most at risk for severe reactions to contractin­g COVID are elderly, those with compromise­d immune systems and those with conditions such as heart or lung diseases and diabetes.

While a mask helps when you are in public, the best way to avoid contractin­g COVID is to socially distance and avoid large groups.

The president for Controller­s 4-H Club Respecting And Caring Everyday (RACE) team, Kaden Simpson, has suffered loss of a close family member due to COVID and asked to have masks donated to Purpose for Praise Ministry who holds service every Sunday.

“I am so thankful the masks were given away and I just want to do what i can to help keep others be safe, too,” Simpson said.

There are plans to do another mask giveaway within the community soon, but no date has been set as of today. Masks are crucial and must be worn properly in order to slow the spread of COVID - make sure you nose and mouth are both covered, and the CDC warns against using just a face shield.

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Leaders of the Maben community hand out masks. (Submitted photos)
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