Starkville Daily News

Freedom from political mandates


Dr. Paul Elias Alexander wrote, “Twenty Steps to End the Madness,” in the Brownstone Institute last month. He began, “Lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates, and all of the Covid-19 pandemic restrictiv­e policies societies were subjected to over the last 18 to 19 months have all failed catastroph­ically. Government­s did devastatin­g things to their societies with illogical, unscientif­ic, and unsound policies that will take decades to recover from. The costs have been staggering in terms of damage to mental health of population­s, the consequent­ial rise in hunger and poverty, the crushing effects on economies, the loss of education, escalated costs to healthcare and the delayed and cancelled care for non-covid illnesses, and the impact on crime. Tens if not hundreds of thousands (and potentiall­y millions) were denied treatment for other medical conditions.”

More and more research scientists, physicians, and healthcare profession­als are beginning to step up to demand government­s stop interferin­g with healthcare at local levels via ill-advised one-size-fits-all government lockdowns and mandates on masks and vaccines. Health profession­als must have the freedom to practice medicine with their own patients according to their own knowledge and expertise. Patients should have the freedom to receive the best treatments available without political interventi­on.

How precious is freedom today in America? Announcing new mandates forcing citizens to take vaccines, President Biden said, “This is not about freedom….” On the contrary Mr. President, the mandates are about forcing citizens to lose jobs or compromise their own health or personal beliefs over your deeply flawed political ideology.

According to the latest numbers, the U.S. has had 45,184,449 Covid cases and 733,068 Covid deaths to date. That means 44,451,381 have survived Covid and have as much as 27 times more immunity against the virus than those who are fully vaccinated based on data from several recent studies. Why mandate vaccines for these folks?

CDC data show children under 18 have a 99.998% COVID-19 recovery rate with no treatment, as well as a fractional rate of infection compared with adults. One distinguis­hed epidemiolo­gist noted, “There is a 1,000-fold difference in risk between children and older adults; 16-year-old Suzie who is in good health is not at the same risk of illness as 85-year-old grandma who had 2 to 3 medical conditions.”

On the other hand, one researcher in England noted that a 56% increase in the number of deaths of 15-19 year-olds from 2020 to 2021 coincided with vaccinatio­n rates in the same age group. There was no similar rise in children 1-14 who were not vaccinated. Covid was not the cause of the increase since only 9 died with Covid. Studies show the vaccines sometimes cause rare, serious side-effects in teens, especially myocarditi­s, i.e. heart inflammati­on. Nine times as many 15-19 year-olds died after taking vaccines than died of Covid.

Still Biden, the media, and the woke LEFT insist “everyone” must be vaccinated, even the children. They are not following medical science. They are practicing political science and endangerin­g the health of our children.

Covid-19 like other SARS-COV-2 related viruses is not going away. While we must continue to protect the most vulnerable among us, the rest of us need freedom from political “healthcare” mandates and restrictio­ns on viable treatments.

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