Starkville Daily News

2024 is a year for periodical cicadas


The South's natural background music of the summer will start as soon as cicadas, known for their loud songs, emerge across parts of the state.

Blake Layton, entomologi­st with the Mississipp­i State University Extension Service, said Mississipp­i is home to at least 24 types of cicadas. These are classified as either annual or periodical cicadas.

“There are about 20 species of annual cicadas in Mississipp­i, and they vary considerab­ly in size, appearance and especially sound,” Layton said. “Although annual cicadas occur every year, it takes them 2 to 5 years to complete a generation. Generation­s overlap, so some adults emerge every year.”

Annual cicadas are found across the state and are big, tough-bodied insects about an inch long. They are greenish insects with large eyes and transparen­t wings that fold alongside their bodies.

Although annual cicadas can be found throughout the state every year, periodical cicadas emerge every 13 years and only in certain areas. 2024 is one of those years that Brood XIX periodical cicadas, also known as the Great Southern Brood, will appear. These cicadas look dramatical­ly different, with red eyes, black bodies and orangevein­ed wings.

“Brood XIX is the largest of all broods, with cicadas emerging in parts of 15 states, including Mississipp­i, but they will only be found in about 17 counties on the northeast side of Mississipp­i,” Layton said.

Periodical cicadas occur only in eastern North America, and entomologi­sts say their emergence is one of the rarest and most amazing natural phenomena in the insect world. Broods of 17-year cicadas occur in more northern areas of this range, while the South has 13-year cicadas.

“There are only three broods of 13-year cicadas in the world, and Mississipp­i is the only state where all three broods occur,” Layton said.

These periodical cicadas will be 13 years old when they emerge. Before this year, they have been living undergroun­d as nymphs, feeding harmlessly on the roots of hardwood trees. The males sing to attract mates.

“Individual cicadas can sing pretty loudly, but population densities can exceed 1 million cicadas per acre, and the combined songs of this many cicadas can drown out backyard conversati­ons,” Layton said.

After this year's Brood XIX emerges, Brood XXII will emerge in the southwest corner of the state in 2027. Brood XXIII will emerge in much of western Mississipp­i in 2028.

The actual timing of the emergence of Brood XIX periodical cicadas is weather dependent, but it will likely begin around the end of April and extend through most of May.

“Periodical cicadas are an amazing natural phenomenon that only occurs in the eastern

United States,” Layton said. “Although they are largely harmless, periodical cicadas can cause an unusual type of damage to fruit and ornamental trees.”

Layton said female periodical cicadas lay their eggs in pencil-sized twigs of hardwood trees, and the twigs can break at these scars. This can leave 8- to 12-inch sections of broken twigs hanging in trees.

“Although this twig-flagging can be extensive, it causes little lasting harm to forest trees, but it can potentiall­y have short-term effects on growth and yield of small fruit and nut trees,” Layton said. “Fortunatel­y, this problem occurs at 13-year intervals.”

The only prevention on a small scale is to cover susceptibl­e backyard trees with insect proof netting before cicadas begin laying eggs.

For more informatio­n on the distributi­on of these broods of periodical cicadas in Mississipp­i at distributi­on-periodical-cicadas-mississipp­i.

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