Street Trucks

Extended Cab, Et Al.


THIS MONTH WE’RE TAKING A LOOK AT THOSE TRUCKS WITH A LITTLE EXTRA BEHIND THE FRONT SEATS: EXTENDED CAB PICKUPS. While we often just call them extra cabs, each truck manufactur­er actually has its own term for that area with those tiny jump seats, which many of us eventually tend to fill up with speakers. Here’s a quick rundown of what each truck brand calls their cabs o’ plenty.

Chevy and GMC: Introduced in 1983 on the S-10/S-15 and 1988 for full-size trucks, GM called them Extended Cabs before the days of rear suicide mini-doors. These days they’re referred to as Double Cabs.

Ford: The Supercab first came on the scene in 1974 on the F series and has been a popular option ever since.

Dodge/ram: Introduced in 1973 on the full-size D series, the Club Cab beat Ford by a year. Since rear access doors were introduced, the closest thing to it is the Quad Cab.

Toyota: The Xtracab for Toyota mini-trucks came to light in 1984. They are now referred to as Access Cabs.

Nissan: Beginning with the Datsun 620 in 1977, the King Cab was and remains Nissan’s extended cab model.

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