Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Voters sent clear message on Election Day

- By Allyson J. Kleiman Allyson J. Kleiman is a resident of Lake Worth.

Sun Sentinel’s Editorial Board was on the wrong side of history when you endorsed Mitt Romney for president and you’re just as wrong today.

President Obama swept all the swing states. Hewon the popular vote. He has a huge mandate.

But you just couldn’t give him respect, could you? Instead of writing that Obama should embrace “reality” insinuatin­g that his “hope and change” campaignwa­s empty rhetoric, why don’t you give Republican­s advice on doing their jobs?

For the last four years they have obstructed legislatio­n thatwould have created jobs. They have defeated bills thatwould have improved our nation’s infrastruc­ture, which may have helpedNew Jersey andNewYork when those stateswere battered byHurrican­e Sandy.

They obediently followed their leader, MitchMcCon­nell, by promising to do everything in their power to defeat the president during his first term.

Nowthe gloves are off. Republican­s need to step up to the plate and do the jobswe sent them to Washington to do. They need to get off their tea party high horse andwork for Americans.

If they do not cooperate, the GOP will go theway of Allen West, JoeWalsh, RichardMou­rdock and Todd Akin, all of whom lost their election bids due to rabid right- wing philosophi­es.

And if the GOP doesn’t embrace minorities, women and 47 percent of us, then their history of losing elections will be written in the 2012 general election.

The candidate you endorsed was supported by Sheldon Adelson, theKoch brothers, Karl Rove and Donald Trump, all of whom donated billions to Romney in the hopes of buying this election.

TheKoch brothers, who preside over the second largest business in our country, supported Romney because theywere promised more tax relief for their gas and oil businesses.

Karl Rove and Donald Trump are partisan hacks who had no problem with backing a GOP nominee who changed policy positions as often as most of us change our underwear.

Reality is Gov. Rick Scott is doing everything in his power to suppress, repress and rig Floridians’ votes. Forcing us to stand in line for up to seven hours in order to exercise our civic duty to vote is unconscion­able. Voting shouldn’t be an obstacle course or endurance test.

Next time your Editorial Board decides toweigh in on President Obama, why not focus on the reality of his administra­tion’s creating more private sector jobs in three years than George Bush created in two terms instead of mocking him?

Or that the stock market doubled since Obama took office?

Or that the presidentw­ent out on a limb and saved the automotive industry, creating one million jobs while your candidate advocated its bankruptcy?

Or that Obama created half a million manufactur­ing jobs here at home while your candidate sliced and diced companies shipping American jobs to China?

Voters sent a very loud and clear message, which fell on your deaf ears.

 ??  ?? President Barack Obama stands on stage with his family after winning re- election on Tuesday.
President Barack Obama stands on stage with his family after winning re- election on Tuesday.

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