Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Photograph­ers told to back off

Some have been seen disturbing protected burrowing owls

- By Fallan Patterson Staff Writer See PHOTOGRAPH­ERS, 7

Broward parks officials are concerned about an increase in wildlife photograph­ers committing illegal acts to photograph burrowing owls, which are protected by the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

These pint-sized birds live and nest in undergroun­d burrows often found in parks. In Broward County, the burrows are surrounded with rope or PVC pipe alerting people to steer clear.

In recent weeks, photograph­ers have been caught leaning over the ropes or even sticking their lens down the burrow. During Memorial Day weekend, officials at Brian Piccolo Park in Cooper City and Vista View Park in Davie had to ask photograph­ers to leave for dis- turbing the birds.

Kelli Whitney, a county parks naturalist, witnessed the situation at Vista View Park. She attributes the owls’ popularity with photograph­ers to social media.

“With the advent of social media, it’s easier to get an ‘attaboy,’” Whitney said. “Whether they’re a profession­al or an amateur, there’s pressure to get that better shot.”

Due to the increase in photog- raphers, parks officials recently extended the burrows’ boundaries to 20 feet and added new signs warning people to stay back an additional 20 feet from the ropes.

“We’ve gotten some criticism for the size of the signs, but it’s intended to be that if you can read this, you’re too close,” Whitney said. “We’re doing everything we can.

Wellington photograph­er Su- san Faulkner Davis has spent the last three years photograph­ing burrowing owls at the two parks. She uses a long lens and keeps her distance. Davis’ main concern is reports of baiting, or offering a reward to get the birds to interact with people.

She referenced a YouTube video where several owls appear to be interactin­g with the photograph­er and one has a clean white mouse in its beak. The video was taken in

Broward County.

“The video shows unnatural behaviors,” Davis said. “They were trained to expect something good to run up to the camera.”

Kelly Heffernan, founder of the Broward County Audubon Society’s Project Perch, which protects bur- rowing owls in Southeast Florida, is worried how baiting will change the owls’ natural behaviors.

“Any wild animals that are fed food directly from humans lose their natural ability to hunt and forage and also lose their fear of people,” she said. “Then when they are hungry, they look for the human instead of hunting and can starve to death, especially the young.”

Fallan Patterson can be reached at fpatterson@

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