Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Planned Parenthood, Florida and access to health care

- Randy Schultz

Your honor, I submit People’s Exhibit 101,412 in the case of Why Government Doesn’t Work: this week’s hearing on Planned Parenthood.

In theory, congressio­nal hearings are about factfindin­g. Today, they’re usually about posturing. Such was the case Tuesday when Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards appeared before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

As with pro wrestling, both sides knew the script. Republican­s who control the committee would bash Richards. Minority Democrats would defend her.

Everyone also knew that the hearing didn’t matter. Legislatio­n to keep the government operating and not defund Planned Parenthood would pass, over the objections of those most caustic toward Richards and least concerned about health care for lowincome women.

Ostensibly, the topic was federal money Planned Parenthood gets for services to Medicaid patients and those in the National Family Planning Program. The real topic was abortion.

Planned Parenthood is the country’s largest abortion provider (about 330,000 last year). An anti-abortion group released nowdiscred­ited videos purporting to show that Planned Parenthood profits from the sale of aborted fetuses. The videos prompted the attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.

Richards argues that abortions comprise just 3 percent of the roughly 10.6 million services Planned Parenthood provides (12 percent if you base it on patients). So Republican­s tried to turn that argument against her.

Why, they asked, does Planned Parenthood not offer mammograms? Richards: Because we provide breast exams and, when necessary, refer patients for mammograms (like all health clinics). Why, they asked, are Pap smears down? Richards: Because new medical guidance suggests that women may not need one every year.

Another target was Planned Parenthood’s finances. Why, Republican­s asked, did you spend $5.1 million on travel? Richards: We have affiliates all over the world. “You’re makin’ a ton of dough,” said Rep. Cynthia Lummus, R-Wyo., referring to Planned Parenthood’s $127 million in revenue over expenses.

Here, at least, Republican­s kind of looked legitimate. Should Richards make $500,000-plus in salary? Should Planned Parenthood lobby and make campaign contributi­ons to maintain its $528 million from government? Most of that is federal money. Some states — Florida not among them — also contribute.

Democrats avoided those questions, though they could have offered answers. Example: That excess $127 million isn’t “profit,” as Republican­s alleged. Like all nonprofits, Planned Parenthood wants to run surpluses, which it can reinvest in the organizati­on.

By making the hearing an inquisitio­n, however, Republican­s undercut themselves even on those points. Most gave Richards no chance to respond. Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., said, “This is my time, so don’t interrupt me.”

Republican­s thus made themselves look weakest on their theory that Planned Parenthood patients would have options if the group got no federal money. Over and over, Republican­s noted that Planned Parenthood has about 650 such clinics among 13,000 nationwide.

In many rural areas, though, Planned Parenthood is the only clinic. Other clinics are too small and underfinan­ced to handle an influx of new patients. Gov. Rick Scott just vetoed $9.8 million for 80 clinics that serve low-income Floridians.

It was especially annoying to hear Florida Reps. Ron DeSantis — he’s running for the Senate — and John Mica advocate cutting off Planned Parenthood.

This year, the Florida House refused to expand Medicaid, and the Legislatur­e passed on expanding the KidCare program to thousands of children of legal immigrants. Last week, a judge ruled that the Florida Department of Health had wrongly kept thousands off the Children’s Medical Services Network.

According to the Congressio­nal Budget Office, 15 percent of Planned Parenthood’s patients would lose access to health care if Congress defunded the group. While less money would go to Planned Parenthood, overall Medicaid costs could rise even more. There would be “thousands” of new births to former Planned Parenthood patients, births that Medicaid would pay for.

Like Donald Trump, many in Congress treat politics like reality TV. The potential consequenc­es of their irresponsi­bility are a reality they don’t want to face.

Randy Schultz blogs for Boca Raton Magazine.

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