Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

World seems to ignore terror and atrocities


I am baffled by the Feb. 1 letter writer of “Will Florida Take Action?” who recently criticized the Florida Legislatur­e for not supporting the boycott, divest, sanction movement to punish Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, in a “non-violent way” for its “inhumane and illegal practices.” That he fails to specify these “inhumane practices,” aswell as mention toward whom they are directed, is not as baffling as why he is focusing on Israel when for the past few months Palestinia­ns (who I assume he considers the victims here) have been brazenly attacking with knives and clubs, and ramming with cars, dozens of innocent Israeli men, women and children on a daily basis. At least 30 have been murdered.

And that is not as baffling as why the writer is focusing on Israel when right next door Syrian dictator Bashar Assad has openly murdered more than100,000 of his own citizens and caused an internatio­nal refugee crisis.

The BDS movement plays right into the hands of terrorist groups such as Ham as and Hezbollah, which are on the record as seeing BDS as an ally in their irrational and insane quest to destroy the state of Israel. While the naive believe that BDS may be away to Palestinia­n statehood, many in the Arabworld also see BDS as a path to a Palestinia­n state— but one that includes a vanquished, Jew-free Israel. You can criticize the Florida Legislatur­e for many things, but refusing to join the BDS movement is not one of them.

Scott Benarde, West Palm Beach

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