Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

GOP rhetoric soars above sixth-grade antics of 2016 race

- By Chris Cillizza This weekly column offers an entertaini­ng and opinionate­d look at people in the nation’s capital who have fallen from grace. Chris Cillizza covers the White House for The Washington Post and writes The Fix, its politics blog.

House Speaker Paul Ryan recently gave a speech to a group of Capitol Hill interns that cast the GOP as the party of hope and opportunit­y.

“We don’t resort to scaring you, we dare to inspire you,” Ryan told the young people. “We don’t just oppose someone or something. We propose a clear and compelling alternativ­e. And whenwe do that, we don’t just win the argument. We don’t just win your support. We win your enthusiasm. We win hearts and minds. Wewin a mandate to do what needs to be done to protect the American Idea.”

Itwas a nice speech, well delivered. It also felt roughly one billion miles removed fromthe sophomoric battle playing out even as Ryan was speaking between the two top GOP presidenti­al candidates.

That week began with an anti-Trump super PAC pushing out a picture of a scantily clad Melania Trump to discourage Utah voters from backing Donald Trump. Itwas one that ended with Ted Cruz denying a National Enquirer report that he had engaged in at least five extramarit­al affairs. In between? A Trump tweet threatenin­g to “spill the beans” on Cruz’s wife, Cruz calling Trump a “sniveling coward” and Trump retweeting an image that featured a less-than-flattering photo of Mrs. Cruz.

It’s worth mentioning here that this is also aweek that saw31 people killed and hundreds more injured in a terrorist attack in Brussels. And that Cruz’s answer to that tragedy was to propose increasing policing in Muslim neighborho­ods — a position he attempted to shuffle away from as the week went on.

For a Republican Party now three years removed froma remarkably frank autopsy of what it did wrong in the 2012 campaign and howto fix it, the week— and, in truth, much of this presidenti­al campaign— was a total disaster. More juvenile antics, less serious policy proposals or solutions. More sixth-grade than1600 Pennsylvan­ia Avenue.

“Politics can be a battle of ideas, not insults,” Ryan insisted in his speech. “It can be about solutions.”

Not thisweek.

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