Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Kasich joins Cruz on sidelines

Kasich ends his uphill primary fight after struggling to make an impact

- By Noah Bierman Tribune Newspapers

Final challenger to Donald Trump exits race for Republican nomination.

WASHINGTON — Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who tried to position himself as the adult in the room of presidenti­al contenders, dropped out Wednesday, becoming the final casualty in Donald Trump’s takeover of the Republican Party.

Trump became the presumptiv­e nominee after his big win in the Indiana primary Tuesday night and the subsequent withdrawal of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, but Kasich’s exit eliminated the 16th and final hurdle to Trump’s coronation as the party’s new standard-bearer.

“The spirit, the essence of America lies in the hearts and souls of us,” Kasich said during a 20-minute speech in Columbus, Ohio, announcing his withdrawal. “Some missed this message. It wasn’t sexy. It wasn’t a great sound bite.”

Kasich did not name Trump or any of his former rivals. But the tone and message — a call for lifting one another up, searching for God’s purpose and slowing down our lives— served as an implicit rebuke of Trump’s combative style. Kasich praised the country as he recalled his months on the trail, even pronouncin­g himself lucky to sit in traffic in Los Angeles over the course of the campaign.

Kasich’s chances of gaining the nomination never really materializ­ed. Trump, Cruz and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio — who dropped out more than six weeks ago — all have more delegates than Kasich. His only primary victory came in his home state of Ohio.

Still, Kasich has long been convinced, despite the electoral math, that he could win, if only voters would take the time to get to know him. He emphasized his broad experience as both the governor of a swing state and an influentia­l member of Congress who crossed party lines during the Clinton administra­tion to forge a balancedbu­dget deal.

Kasich’s campaign events were generally intimate affairs. He liked town halls where he could talk to small groups of voters about policy and finding meaning in their lives, and occasional­ly give them hugs. It was a contrast to Kasich’s prior reputation as a prickly politician, but an even bigger contrast to Trump’s rowdy rallies in large arenas.

“The people of our country changed me,” Kasich said Wednesday, recalling a man whose son had cancer and other poignant encounters. “They changed me with the stories of their lives.”

Many inside the rooms came away moved and impressed, but there were not enough of them to make much of a dent in Trump’s campaign. Exit polls showed Republican voters valued outsiders who could take on Washington over establishm­ent figures like Kasich who had worked the inside game.

Kasich spent most of the campaign ignoring Trump, declining to criticize or engage him in most debates and public speeches. That allowed him to stick around longer than his rivals, drawing him closer to the twoperson race hewas seeking. But the risk in that strategy — that Trump would keep building strength — was apparent from the outset. And even as other candidates dropped out, Kasich gained little while Cruz won endorsemen­ts and donations from many leading Republican­s bent on stopping Trump.

It was only in the final days of the campaign that Kasich attempted to halt Trump’s path to the nomination, agreeing to a lastditch pact with Cruz to divide their assets among a few remaining states.

The candidates both believed that if they could deny Trump from getting a majority of the party’s delegates, they could win the nomination at a contested convention this summer. Now, however, there is little doubt that Trump will claim the party’s nomination.

Kasich’s cheerful campaign style made him few enemies on the campaign trail. “I like John. I’ve had a good relationsh­ip with John,” Trump said on CNN on Wednesday.

But Democrats in Kasich’s home state feasted, accusing him of “pursuing his presidenti­al ambitions and ignoring the needs of the people of Ohio” and demanding that his campaign tally its cost to state taxpayers so they could be reimbursed.

Tribune Newspapers’ Seema Mehta in Los Angeles contribute­d.

 ?? JOHN MINCHILLO/AP ?? Ohio Gov. John Kasich pauses to read notes onWednesda­y as he announces the end of his White House bid.
JOHN MINCHILLO/AP Ohio Gov. John Kasich pauses to read notes onWednesda­y as he announces the end of his White House bid.
 ?? J.D. POOLEY/GETTY ?? Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who only won his home state in the primary battle for the GOP presidenti­al nomination, suspends his campaignWe­dnesday in Columbus, the capital.
J.D. POOLEY/GETTY Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who only won his home state in the primary battle for the GOP presidenti­al nomination, suspends his campaignWe­dnesday in Columbus, the capital.

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