Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

New crime agency created

- By Joseph Tanfani Washington Bureau

Homeland Security office to focus on crimes by illegal migrants.

WASHINGTON — In the latest Trump administra­tion effort to spotlight crimes committed by people living in the country illegally, the head of the Homeland Security Department on Tuesday launched a new office to help what he said are the forgotten victims of criminals who are in the country illegally.

The office, part of Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t, was given a toll-free hotline to report crimes and to offer support to victims, including local contacts with immigratio­n officers and access to social services. It also will focus on crimes by legal immigrants and issue reports.

“All crime is terrible, but these victims are unique — and too often ignored,” Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly told a news conference.

“They’re casualties of crimes that should never have taken place, because the people who victimized them should never have been in the country,” Kelly added.

The high-profile rollout of the Victims of Immigratio­n Crime Engagement, or VOICE, Officewas timed to add luster to President Donald Trump’s record before his administra­tion hits the 100-day mark Saturday, and critics argued that Kelly’s announceme­nt was more about politics than public safety.

Advocates for immigrants said the administra­tion is trying to demonize immigrants as criminals andwhipupp­ublic support for aggressive new deportatio­n operations and billions of dollars in additional spending for border security.

“The overall messaging of this administra­tion is to paint all immigrants as criminals, so immigrants and criminals are mixed into the same mold. It’s despicable,” said David Leopold, an immigratio­n attorney in Cleveland.

Some Democratic lawmakers also denounced the new operation.

“While the President is desperate for something to show for his first 100 days, inserting this propaganda and prejudice into our nation’s homeland security policy is amove that history will not look kindly on,” said Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississipp­i, the top Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee.

David Lapan, chief spokesman for Homeland Security, said the purpose of the new office is to assist victims, not to attack immigrants.

“It’s not to create an image that illegal immigrants are committing a higher level of crime than anyone else, or that they’re marauding,” Lapin said.

Although Kelly talked solely about criminals who are in the country illegally, Lapan said the new office will also handle legal immigrants, whocould lose their legal status and be deported if they commit crimes.

In a campaign built in large part on a harsh antiimmigr­ation message, Trump frequently railed about violent crimes committed by people in the country illegally, notably the case of Kathryn Steinle, a San Francisco woman killed last year by a Mexican man who had been deported several times.

Trump announced his plan for the new office in February, telling a joint session of Congress that “we are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media and silenced by special interests.”

A number of studies of crime statistics have found that immigrants generally commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans.

“Research has shown little support for the enduring propositio­n that increases in immigratio­n are associated with increases in crime,” said a report published last year by the Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice. Higher immigratio­n rates are linked to decreases in crimes, the study said.

Attending the press conference was Eric Brady, 52, of Mahomet, Ill., whose 46-year-old wife, LaDonna, or “Jeannie,” was killed in a crash onNewYear’sDay by a drunken driver who had been deported three times.

Esteban Juarez-Tomas, a Guatemala native who was in the country illegally, was given a notice to appear by Illinois state police andwas released after the accident. He is nowa fugitive.

 ?? SUSANWALSH/AP ?? Homeland Security chief John Kelly emphasized the office’s mission for victims of people in the U.S. illegally.
SUSANWALSH/AP Homeland Security chief John Kelly emphasized the office’s mission for victims of people in the U.S. illegally.

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