Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Temporary measure avoids government shutdown

Congress approves a one-week stopgap spending bill in lieu of a budget.

- By Lisa Mascaro Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON — Congress avoided a government shutdown Friday as President Donald Trump marks his first 100 days in office, but failed to serve up a decisive legislativ­e accomplish­ment for the White House as Republican leaders shelved another attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

The House approved a temporary spending bill 382-30, providing a weeklong extension of federal funding as negotiator­s continue to hash out a broader deal to keep government running through the remainder of the fiscal year. The Senate unanimousl­y followed, ahead of Friday’s midnight deadline when funding expires.

The final deal is expected to include a boost in military spending, though smaller than what Trump wanted, and other provisions, including continued federal assistance to prop up a pension fund for retired coal miners that both parties support.

Trump had orchestrat­ed the 100-day spending showdown after he won the election, insisting last year that Congress fund the government only through April 28, so he could put his stamp on federal spending after he took office.

But the president’s demands for funds to build a border wall with Mexico and his threat to withhold some payments for Obamacare fell by the wayside as even Republican­s, who have the majority in the House and Senate, panned those initiative­s.

Democrats also resisted Trump’s spending priorities. Because Republican­s have stark divisions within their ranks over spending levels, they must rely on Democrats for passage of most measures to prevent shutdowns.

Trump’s push for border wall funding was quickly rejected by Democrats.

“Americans know that $50 billion, if that’s what the wall will cost, is far better spent laying broadband throughout America, rebuilding our roads and bridges, doing things that help Americans,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. “Thankfully, for the American people, the president failed.”

Democrats also are fighting other policy riders that Republican­swant to attach to the spending bill, including those related to abortion access, regulation­s on financial services profession­als and one that would limit oversight of various flavors of electronic cigarettes, aides said.

Trump balked at including funds for Puerto Rico, which is seeking federal aid for its struggling Medicaid program, but that money is likely to be included in the final deal as talks continue.

Congressio­nal leaders hope to reach a consensus in the days ahead so they can avoid another standoff next week when the justpassed temporary funding for government operations will again expire Friday.

Alate push to salvage the Republican promise of dismantlin­g Obamacare also was delayed when it became clear there were not enough votes of support from rank-and-file lawmakers, whoare concerned their constituen­ts will lose their health insurance.

Lawmakers left town for the weekend frustrated after making only halting progress on either issue.

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said he expects the House to vote “as soon as possible” on the latest Obamacare repeal.

“We’re close, but we have somework to do,” said a GOP leadership aide granted anonymity to discuss the ongoing situation.

The GOP health care bill continues to face stiff headwind, particular­ly from centrist Republican­s, after leaders embraced an amendment designed to appease themost conservati­ve lawmakers.

The provision would allow states to waive many of the regulation­s Obamacare put on insurers, which are some of the most popular parts of the law, including mental health coverage, maternity coverage and a ban on charging higher rates for patients with preexistin­g conditions.

 ?? MANUEL BALCE CENETA/AP ?? Sen. Chuck Schumer, gesturing, with congressio­nal colleagues including Nancy Pelosi, says it would be better to spend $50 billion on rebuilding infrastruc­ture.
MANUEL BALCE CENETA/AP Sen. Chuck Schumer, gesturing, with congressio­nal colleagues including Nancy Pelosi, says it would be better to spend $50 billion on rebuilding infrastruc­ture.

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