Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Promises, inaction mark start

- By Debbie Wasserman Schultz

When President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed15 bills to lift America fromthe Great Depression, all within his first 100 days of office in 1933, little did he know thiswould become the gold standard against which Americans have graded our commanders in chief ever since.

At the time, FDR’s efforts were vital, urgent and offered the country hope. By contrast, cruel legislativ­e intentions, a deep erosion of trust, and few accomplish­ments have marked Donald Trump’s first 100 days.

Trump’s extremist, xenophobic tea party agenda and policies have left him deeply unpopular outside of his base, and here in South Florida, it’s hard to find any groups he hasn’t threatened, offended or attacked.

Trump’s malicious agenda has targeted seniors, women, religious, racial and ethnic minorities, the sick, the poor andworking Americans. Based on his initial actions, and many of the people he’s surrounded himself with, this has easily been the darkest first 100Days in modern presidenti­al history.

Yet like millions of Americans, I refuse to allowa reality TV star preoccupie­d by ratings, golf and social media taunts to inflict lasting damage on a country I love. In fact, it’s been inspiring to see so many people respond to Trump’s politics of fear and darkness with such a fierce patriotic resistance.

It started the day after the inaugurati­on, when millions of us joined the Women’s March to say thatwe will not go back on all the progress we’ve made. Soon after, thousands more converged on airports to protest Trump’s Muslim ban.

Whenhe tried to erase Jews fromthe history of the Holocaust, people of all faiths reminded Trump that the Holocaust was the systematic and state-sponsored murder of six million Jews by the Nazis.

Whenthe president backed a House Republican plan thatwould cause 24 million more people to be left uninsured, Americans soundly rejected the vicious Trumpcare proposal.

Sadly, it didn’t need to be thisway. Trump campaigned on funding badlyneede­d infrastruc­ture projects, and putting millions of people towork. Initially he even pledged to cover “everybody” with more affordable, better-quality insurance.

Democrats have long sought similar goals. Seriously pursuing themwould have united us and made America stronger. Yet just like his campaign promise to release his tax returns, these were hollow pledges. Instead he’s pursued an agenda driven by fear and willful ignorance.

Entire immigrant communitie­s now live in terror of reporting a crime or showing up to a hospital, because they risk deportatio­n despite years of hardwork in the United States.

As a breast cancer survivor, I knowall too well that Trump’s latest plan to kill the Affordable Care Act means people with pre-existing conditions now must worry about losing health coverage or paying astronomic­al costs if the president gets his way.

The LGBT community’s recent dramatic civil rights victories appear less secure. And efforts to bring police and African-American communitie­s closer together and improve frayed relationsh­ips are under threat aswell. Women face greater threats to securing health care and control over their own bodies.

He ignores climate science, wants to cut medical research, andwould hamstring communitie­s’ ability to pay for Meals on Wheels and after-school programs. Yet Trump wants U.S. taxpayers— not Mexico, as promised— to pay billions for a useless border wall.

Historians and pollsters already rate Trump’s presidenti­al coming-out as one of theworst ever. Evidence indicates they are right.

The consequenc­es America faces from Trump’s policies will be devastatin­g for generation­s. We must use our collective voices and take action to fight back.

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Weston represents Florida District 23.

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