Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Trump proves US top priority

- By Matt Gaetz

At best, a 100-day measuremen­t of a new presidency is a meaningles­s abstractio­n. At worst, it’s an invite to cheap politickin­g at the expense of the common good.

The American people have had enough of that. They’ve had enough of “all talk and no action” politician­s. This is why they voted for Donald Trump, and his bold vision for America. Nowthat President Trump’s vision is becoming a reality, America’s future looks brighter than ever.

President Trump says his highest priority is America and the American people. The fact that this idea has been met with shock is itself shocking; if America’s success is not the president’s goal, what is? Is it looking good in photo-ops, while debt grows, jobs dwindle, bureaucrac­y reigns supreme, and the American people suffer? Thatwas the path we were on under the previous administra­tion. Thankfully, now we’re on a new path. In his firstweek, President Trump withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p, preventing thousands of future American jobs from being lost. Nowhe has pledged to renegotiat­e the North American Free Trade Agreement. While we remain friendly with Canada and Mexico, they know our friendship is not an invitation to be treated poorly. For the good of the American people, we must place our own interests first.

President Trump continues to have warm, productive talks with world leaders, like President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi of Egypt, and Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel. Our allies knowthat America stands with them. President Trump is not an isolationi­st, and builds closer friendship­s when he can. Our increasing friendship with China is beneficial to the American economy, and to maintainin­g peace in Asia.

We are happy to offer friendship to our allies, and unafraid to showour might to our enemies. President Trump has imposed new sanctions on Iran, and made it clear that if North Korea continues their aggression, we will take any steps necessary to protect America.

Our strike against Syria shows tyrants like Bashar Assad thatwe will not tolerate crimes against humanity, and that America’s “red line” is no longer a meaningles­s phrase. The decisive use of the MOAB, whichwas tested at Eglin Air Force Base inmy district, was a timely response to the killing of Staff Sergeant Mark Rochetto de Alencar, also stationed at Eglin, and shows our commitment to eradicatin­g ISIS. But our strength is tempered with equanimity, andwe have not undertaken another futile exercise in nation-building.

America has made more economic progress in these first 100 days than in the past decade. Job-killing regulation­s are being rolled back, and job creation is skyrocketi­ng. Industries on the verge of collapse, like coal and steel, are now putting thousands of Americans back towork. With permits issued for the Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines, American energy independen­ce is no longer a distant dream.

Illegal immigratio­n is at a 17-year low; consumer confidence is at a 16-year high. The stock market is rallying. Antonin Scalia’s Supreme Court seat has been filled by Neil Gorsuch, an exemplary jurist, with deep respect for the Constituti­on.

There have been setbacks, of course. Failing to repeal and replace Obamacare was a disappoint­ment. The blame is on Congress, not the president, but we’re not quitters, andwe will soon make health care better and more affordable for all Americans.

As President Trump said, “When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.” Amen to that. We will make this country we love a land of peace, prosperity, liberty, and justice for all.

It’s been100 days, but who’s counting? I’m looking forward to the other 1,363 days of President Trump’s first term.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Fort Walton Beach represents Florida District 1.

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