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In bid for Clinton dirt, law may have been broken

- By David G. Savage Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON — Emails released Tuesday by President Donald Trump’s eldest son may offer the clearest sign to date of possible criminal violations arising from Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election.

Several campaign funding experts say the emails strongly suggest that Donald Trump Jr. violated federal election laws by arranging a high-level campaign meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised to reveal damaging informatio­n about Hillary Clinton.

Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contributi­on or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencin­g any election for federal office.”

This includes an “express or implied promise” to give something of value.

Under the law, persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to fines or imprisonme­nt.

The emails released Tuesday show that Donald Trump Jr. was told that the Russian lawyer could “provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and informatio­n that would incriminat­e Hillary and her dealings with Russia andwould be very useful to your father. This is obviously very high level and sensitive informatio­n but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

“If it’s what you say,” he replied, “I love it especially later in the summer.” He then set up a meeting with Paul Manafort, then the campaign manager, and Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law.

The emails “provide the smoking gun confirming that Donald Trump Jr. illegally solicited a contributi­on from a foreign national. This is very incriminat­ing evidence,” said Paul S. Ryan, vice president at Common Cause, an election watchdog group.

He said Manafort and Kushner could be charged withan illegal solicitati­on as well if they understood the purpose of themeeting.

Trump Jr.’s suggestion that he would prefer to see such damaging informatio­n appear “later in the summer” could also be seen as a sign of coordinati­on over the timing of the release of the informatio­n.

Trump Jr. and his supporters dismiss such claims, insisting that campaigns routinely seek out and accept opposition research about their rivals.

Some legal experts have questioned whether opposition research would qualify under the law as something “of value.”

“I have a hard time seeing how a meeting is a contributi­on from a foreign national,” said Jan W. Baran, former general counsel for the Republican National Committee. “It’s not concrete. It doesn’t have a quantifiab­le value.”

Neverthele­ss, Common Cause filed a complaint Monday with the Federal Election Commission and Special Counsel Robert Mueller alleging the recent revelation­s show the Trump campaign had violated the lawby “soliciting a contributi­on from a foreign national.”

Election law violations are usually pursued as civil matters by the FEC that can lead to fines and penalties, but the Justice Department sometimes prosecutes knowing and willful violations as crimes.

“There is a plenty of evidence this meeting violated the law,” said Brendan Fischer, a lawyer at the Campaign Legal Center. “It is also the clearest evidence so far of coordinati­on between the Trump campaign and Russian agents.”

Since March, when then-FBI Director James Comey confirmed the probe of Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, he said there were at least two major questions. Were there “any links” or “any coordinati­on” between the Trump campaign and Russian agents? And second, were any crimes committed?

Critics of the probe have argued there is no federal lawthat clearly forbids “collusion” between a campaign and a foreign government. But election law uses the word “coordinati­on” and makes it illegal for U.S. candidates to coordinate their efforts with foreign persons.

Randall Eliason, a former federal prosecutor, said that depending on what the investigat­ion reveals, the Trump campaign could be charged with criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States. But most lawyers predict Mueller’s investigat­ion will focus on more narrow and targeted charges, including the possible election law violations.

Kushner and former national security adviser Michael Flynn could also be charged with making false statements if they deliberate­ly omitted from their security clearance forms the fact that they had met with Russian officials. Kushner initially failed to mention the June meeting but did so later.

And President Donald Trump could face allegation­s of obstructio­n of justice for firing the FBI director because he had refused the president’s suggestion that Comey clear Flynn.

The new reports of contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians may also bolster the obstructio­n charges, said Harvard law professor Alex Whiting, a former federal prosecutor.

“Despite the old adage that the ‘cover-up is always worse than the crime,’ obstructio­n charges will be harder to prove if in fact therewere no impropriet­ies to hide,” he wrote Tuesday on the Just Security blog. “That is why the emerging collusion evidence could end up mattering so much to the obstructio­n inquiry. ... Suddenly, Trump’s actions to stop the FBI’s investigat­ions... sinister. Now it appears that Trump may have in fact had something much larger to hide.”

 ?? RICHARD DREW/AP ?? Donald Trump Jr. violated U.S. election laws by soliciting “a contributi­on from a foreign national,” one group alleges.
RICHARD DREW/AP Donald Trump Jr. violated U.S. election laws by soliciting “a contributi­on from a foreign national,” one group alleges.

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