Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

N. Korea pretties up its 105-story pyramid hotel

- By Eric Talmadge Associated Press

PYONGYANG, North Korea — While North Korea’s second launch of an interconti­nental ballistic missile dominated headlines last week, Pyongyang quietly unveiled renovation­s around the capital’s biggest landmark: a futuristic, pyramid-shaped 105story hotel, the world’s tallest unoccupied building.

After decades of embarrassi­ng delays and rumors that the building may not even be structural­ly sound, could this be Kim Jong Un’s next pet project?

If nothing else, it at least has a new propaganda sign: “Rocket Power Nation.”

Walls set up to keep people out of a constructi­on area around the gargantuan Ryugyong Hotel were pulled down as the North marked the anniversar­y of the Korean War armistice. Revealed were two broad new walkways leading to the building and the big red propaganda sign declaring that North Korea is a leading rocket power.

That, of course, is Kim’s other pet project.

The day after Thursday’s anniversar­y, North Korea test-launched its second ICBM, which experts believe demonstrat­ed that the North’s weapons can now theoretica­lly reach Los Angeles, Denver and Chicago.

For more than a week leading up to the anniversar­y, a major holiday in North Korea, “soldier-builders” at the site in central Pyongyang were clearly visible behind the walls, along with heavy equipment for digging and brightly colored propaganda billboards that are a staple at North Korean constructi­on sites, intended to boost morale.

Rumors, almost always unfounded, of plans to once and for all finish the hotel project are something of a parlor game among Pyongyang watchers. And it remains to be seen if the current work on the Ryugyong is intended to be a step toward actually finishing the long-stalled project or, more likely, an effort to make better use of the land around it.

At Kim’s orders, several major high-rise areas have been completed, including one with a 70-story residence and dozens of other tall buildings in the capital’s “Ryomyong,” or “dawn,” district in April. Pyongyang also has a new internatio­nal airport, a massive sci-tech complex, and many other recreation­al and educationa­l facilities.

How Kim can afford to pay for the apparent constructi­on boom and his significan­tly accelerate­d testing of multimilli­on-dollar missiles is a mystery, but has led many sanctions advocates to point the finger at China, by far North Korea’s biggest trading partner, for not doing enough to turn the economic screws on its neighbor.

From a distance, the glassy, greenish-blue Ryugyong looks like it’s ready for business. But it is believed to be far from complete inside and possibly even structural­ly unsound.

Work on the building started in 1987 while Kim’s grandfathe­r Kim Il Sung, North Korea’s founder and “eternal president,” was still alive.

It was supposed to open in 1989 and would have been the world’s tallest hotel — surpassing another in Singapore that was built by a South Korean company.

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