Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Decrying leaks, Trump retweets anonymousl­y sourced story

- By John Wagner

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Tuesday used Twitter to amplify a Fox News report, based on anonymous sources, that U.S. spy satellites had detected North Korea loading two cruise missiles on a patrol boat on the country’s coast in recent days.

Without adding any comment of his own, Trump, who regularly decries leaks to the media, retweeted to his more than 35 million followers a link to the dayold story, which was featured Tuesday morning on “Fox & Friends,” a program on the Fox News network.

A White House spokesman did not immediatel­y respond to a question about whether Trump’s retweet amounted to a confirmati­on of Fox’s story, which was attributed to unnamed “U.S. officials with knowledge of the latest intelligen­ce in the region.”

Trump, who receives daily intelligen­ce briefings, would presumably be in a position to know whether U.S. intelligen­ce officials have reason to believe Kim Jong Un’s regime did in fact load cruise missiles onto a patrol boat recently.

One intelligen­ce official said that the report itself was insignific­ant and not a sign that North Korea was preparing to test a missile or any make any other provocatio­n. They are different from the long-range missiles, known as ICBMs, that have been central to escalating tensions in the region.

However, the official, who was not authorized to speak publicly, was chagrined that Trump would retweet a report about “something unimportan­t” that nonetheles­s “reveals something about our surveillan­ce capabiliti­es.”

Asked about the report Tuesday morning on Fox, Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said she couldn’t comment.

“I can’t talk about anything that’s classified, and if it’s in the newspaper, that’s a shame,” Haley said. “It’s incredibly dangerous when things go out to the press like that.”

The Fox report comes amid escalating tension as North Korea moves toward arming itself with nuclear weapons and has spurned a new set of United Nations sanctions.

Since taking office, Trump has increasing­ly spoken out against leaks of sensitive informatio­n by members of his administra­tion, some of it damaging to the president himself. He recently urged Attorney General Jeff Sessions to take a far more aggressive posture toward rooting out leakers.

“I have this warning for would-be leakers: Don’t do it!” Sessions said Friday, as he pledged to follow through on the president’s advice.

On Sunday, Trump praised Sessions on Twitter, writing: “After many years of LEAKS going on in Washington, it is great to see the A.G. taking action! For National Security, the tougher the better!”

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