Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

New approaches needed to end campus sexual assault

- By Samuel R. Staley

The U.S. Department of Education’s top civilright­s official set off a firestorm when she told the New York Times — erroneousl­y — that 90 percent of college sexual assault cases “fall into the category of ‘we were both drunk’ ” or post-relationsh­ip regret.

Candice Jackson quickly and appropriat­ely retracted her remarks, but her comments unintentio­nally highlighte­d the practical limits of a federal approach to the tragedy of campus sexual assault. Consider the following: Eighty percent of female college sexual assault victims report knowing their attacker.

Twenty-five percent of sexual assault victims say they were drunk or otherwise unable to provide consent or stop the attack from happening.

Just 24 percent of sexual assault victims say physical force was used against them.

The “typical” sexual assault or rape does not conform to the stereotype of the stranger/rapist lying in wait for his next victim. Rather, predators are more likely to take advantage of the environmen­t or to psychologi­cally manipulate their targets to commit the assaults or rapes. These behaviors are enabled by today’s “hookup” culture that has, for many college students, blurred the lines regarding consent and acceptable behavior.

These cases often lack the physical and corroborat­ing evidence needed to successful­ly prosecute a case in convention­al criminal and campus investigat­ions. “Hard” evidence is relatively uncommon, and attempts to uncover the truth require lengthy interviews, an understand­ing of young adult behavior and cultural norms, and fact-finding that doesn’t suit the adversaria­l approach that dominates investigat­ions modeled on the U.S. criminal justice system.

Complicati­ng matters further is the variation in college campus climates. A nine-campus survey funded by the U.S. Department of Justice found that sexual assaults reported by undergradu­ate women varied from 5.8 percent to 20 percent, and the likelihood of rape varied from 2.2 percent to 6.2 percent.

Effective strategies designed to reduce sexual assault and rape have to be designed for the individual campus and culture. In many cases, perhaps most, non-adversaria­l approaches that balance responsibi­lity and culpabilit­y in light of the harm perpetrate­d by the offender are more likely than older approaches to lead to more-just outcomes.

These nuances require a more holistic and layered approach than federal directives can provide under programs such as Title IX, the federal statute being used to guide sexual assault investigat­ions on college campuses. Indeed, the federal government’s primary strategy has been to lower evidentiar­y standards to secure more conviction­s rather than to support alternativ­e approaches that may do a better job of holding offenders accountabl­e for their actions and changing campus culture.

This is not to suggest that the efforts to engage the federal government in addressing college sexual assault through Title IX were wasted efforts. On the contrary, colleges and universiti­es routinely ignored the problem until student survivors (not federal investigat­ors) identified Title IX as a practical mechanism to raise awareness about the pervasiven­ess of sexual assault and prod long-overdue action.

Now, however, campus activism should be refocused to engage administra­tors constructi­vely in more-holistic solutions with a greater chance of achieving sustainabl­e results. More-innovative approaches that focus on bystander interventi­on, securing individual dignity, and directly addressing the harm created by assault would result in the cultural and procedural shifts necessary to reduce campus sexual assault.

To be sure, Candice Jackson’s comments were ill-informed — in fact statistica­lly wrong. But those comments should not distract advocates from the real goal of purging campuses of the scourge of sexual assault and recognizin­g the practical limits of a federal approach.

Samuel R. Staley is a research fellow at the Independen­t Institute and author of the “Unsafe On Any Campus? College Sexual Assault and What We Can Do About It.” He is on the faculty of the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy at Florida State University. He wrote this for InsideSour­

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