Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Economy seen as resilient

- By Gray Rohrer Staff writer

TALLAHASSE­E — Floridians from Jacksonvil­le to Orlando to the Keys are still reeling from Hurricane Irma’s impact, but the state’s economy should rebound fairly quickly, one economist says, as soon as the lights come back on.

“The short-run things that are important is getting power back on throughout the state and addressing infrastruc­ture damage that has occurred,” said UCF economics professor Sean Snaith. “Depending on what the extent of that is around the state that’ll determine how long of a recuperati­on period we have to go through.”

The historic storm left millions of people without electricit­y. Flood damage affected homes in nearly every corner of the state, and

many buildings in the Keys were destroyed.

And although the frantic preparatio­n for Irma led to massive spending on supplies, the loss of sales taxes from disruption­s to business as 7 million Floridians were ordered to evacuate means tax revenues could fall short of expectatio­ns, producing a budget shortfall for the state next year.

State economists estimated a small $52 million surplus – a slight fraction of an $83 billion budget - for the fiscal year that begins next July 1, but that was before Irma hit.

“I would advise you to assume

that $52 million is completely gone,” chief legislativ­e economist Amy Baker told lawmakers Friday.

Total damage from Irma won’t be known for weeks, but Baker said she’s seen estimates that place the costs below Hurricane Andrew’s $46 billion — in 2017 dollars — but above Hurricane Wilma’s $25 billion price tag. That would make Irma the second-costliest hurricane in state history.

The boost in spending that comes from rebuilding and constructi­on will come slowly, spread out over next two to three years, Baker said, making next year’s budget outlook much tighter than it would’ve been.

“I don’t feel much better

about this forecast than I did about the forecast I was watching last week,” quipped Sen. Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton.

In addition to lost revenue, the state faces costs that could run into the billions, eating away at the $3.6 billion in reserves lawmakers set aside for the current year.

The state must match 25 percent of the funds for FEMA assistance, Baker said. There are other costs that FEMA likely won’t pay for such as beach restoratio­n. One estimate for those costs from a powerful hurricane ran to $80 million but that was a storm that hit just one part of the state, she said.

Yet historical­ly, Florida’s economy rebounds from

major storms over the course of “months, not years” after a hurricane, Snaith said.

“You look back at [hurricanes] Andrew or Charley and it does have a short-run impact in the labor markets,” Snaith said. “We’re likely to see job losses in the very near term as a result, but in a matter of months, those tend to be reversed.”

The country was in a recession when Andrew hit in 1992, and Florida took nine months to get back the number of jobs it had before the storm. Amid the heyday of the housing boom in 2004, after Charley and the three other hurricanes hit, the state took just one month to reach its pre-storms employment figures.

Job numbers for August announced Friday show Florida has an unemployme­nt rate of 4 percent and a job growth rate of 2.6 percent over the past 12 months, 1.2 percentage points ahead of nationwide job growth in that period.

“If you’re already on a weak foundation as far as the economy is concerned then the damage can be more significan­t, but where we stand now is on pretty solid ground economical­ly speaking,” Snaith said.

The short-term keys for a sharp recovery, Snaith said, are getting the power back on statewide and repairing roads, sewer systems and other infrastruc­ture.

In the months to come, however, Florida’s recovery

will be largely tied to the tourism industry.

Baker noted that 76 percent of the state’s general revenue comes from sales taxes, and 13 percent of that comes from tourists.

But Snaith expects the tourism industry and the rest of the state to recover after some short-term pain – just as it always does after a hurricane.

“That first cold front that blows across the Canadian border is going to send people packing [to Florida],” Snaith said. “The baby boomers are still getting older, we still have the beaches — although some of them may have been eroded — but you know, it doesn’t snow, and Irma didn’t change any of that.”

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